Publicado el 14 Mar 2025

Agricultural Equipment Operators

Agricultural Equipment Operators

$12.96  la hora
Tipo de visa: H-2A
Del 20 Feb 2022 al 20 Dic 2022


Ninguna reseña

10425 State Route 120 E
Slaughters, KY 42456
United States

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Acerca del empleo

We farm 3200 acres of corn and soybeans. We also do land improvement projects and field tiling. Employees should be able to operate tractor and planter for springtime planting season, have knowledge of guided systems/GPS and planter/combine monitor systems. Employee must be able to operate combine and tractor/auger wagon during fall harvest season. Will be required to complete routine maintenance and repairs on equipment and require general mechanic knowledge. Will be required to assist with field tile installation. Ability to drive semi-truck for grain hauling and the ability to operate dozer and track hoe. Employer may provide pay increases for performance and experience at employer’s discretion. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion.


Must be able to lift 50 lbs. Require a regular drivers license and 3 months experience.

Contacto del empleador



¿Sabías que... los titulares de visas H-2A y H-2B tienen derecho

a reembolso del costo de su viaje y sus visas?
