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Published on Mar 12 2025

Grape Harvest Workers And Agricultural Equipment Operators

$18.65  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Jan 2, 2024 to Oct 31, 2024


11910 Old Redwood Hwy

Healdsburg, CA 95448
United States

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Job description

At the beginning of the contract period, the Company will state in writing to all workers the following: All workers will have the opportunity to perform every single job duty present in this job order, including working with agricultural equipment operations or hand labor. All employees (H-2A and corresponding domestic workers) will sign up to perform the duties they have a preference to do for the season. The Employer will do its best to respect the Employees’ preferences on which job duties to perform. Employees may elect during the contract period to change job duties i.e., move from hand harvest to machine harvest or from machine harvest to hand harvest.

Hours offered may vary with machine harvest hours ranging from 40-50 or higher hours per week.

Wine Grape Harvest Workers use a knife to cut grape bunches off of grape vines and into a tub (also called a lug). The tub/lug is then dumped into a bin (also called a gondola). Other incidental activities that the employers indicated are tractor driving, weed control and property maintenance, leaf picking, crop thinning, tally sheet recording, and picking with a machine harvester. The employer will abide by 8 Cal. Code Regulations Section 3437, 3456(b-c).

Special Requirements

Minimum Job Qualifications for both Grape Harvest Workers and Equipment Operators:

1 month of farming experience is required. Experience with wine grapes and/or vineyards is not required, training will be provided. Workers must be able to lift 50 lbs. frequently.

No smoking, drinking, or illegal weapons or controlled substances in the fields or in housing. Cannot be color blind due to the need to distinguish colors of crops. Able to stoop, bend, and work in cold and wet conditions. Able to use tools such as pruning shears, grape knives, hand saws, weed eaters, hedgers, shovels. Workers may use chains saws. Safety use and training provided by employer. Workers must abide by Employer housing rules. Ability to communicate in English or Spanish is required for training and safety purposes. (i.e., Workers must listen to, understand, and follow instructions of Employer supervisors and managers).

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... H-2A workers do not have a right to get paid for overtime work, or “time and a half?”

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