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Published on May 16 2024

Van Driver

$19.48  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Feb 19, 2024 to Nov 16, 2024


226 B & O Road
Okanogan, WA 98840
United States

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Job description

Job duties under the Van Driver contract will consist of activities associated with ONET Job Description 53-3053: Shuttle Drivers and Chauffeurs and 45-2091: Agricultural Equipment Operator and 45-2092: Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery and Greenhouse
· Primary job function would be to drive a motor vehicle to transport passengers on a planned or scheduled basis.
· A driver will be operating a 12-15 passenger van and must possess a valid driver license issued within the US or from Mexico. The van driver must be able to pass a DOT physical for van driving. The van driver must possess a current medical card for the duration of the contract.
· All drivers must conduct a daily safety check on the vehicle before operation. All drivers must obey all State and Federal driving regulations and speed limits. All drivers must stop at all railroad crossings.
· All drivers will be responsible for safely transporting the worker(s) from a central location, such as worker housing, to and from each work site, grocery store and/or doctor appointments.
· All drivers must check the condition of a vehicle's tires, brakes, windshield wipers, lights, oil, fuel, water, and safety equipment to ensure that everything is in working order prior to operating the vehicle.
· Communicate with the Supervisor by radio or telephone to provide information and receive daily instructions. Must report and communicate any equipment malfunction to Supervisor.
· Complete accident reports when necessary.
· The daily requirement of a van driver will not necessitate a full day’s work. Thus, the following additional jobs and responsibilities will be applicable to the balance of their workday. However, while performing tasks other than driving the van, the employee will be guaranteed the wage rate of $19.48 as specified as under ONET job description 53-3053.

Additional duties may include, but not limited to the following:
• Provide assistance in the establishment and maintenance of orchard properties by operating machinery for clearing property, planting trees, harvesting nursery trees, building trellis, setting up, installing shade netting, operating and maintaining irrigation systems and any other labor considered necessary for the efficient and safe operation of orchard properties.
• Operate various farm equipment in the establishment, maintenance, and daily operations of orchard properties. Vehicles and equipment include: Tractor, Sprayer, Forklift, High lifts, Augers (diggers), Irrigation Pumps, Levee Gates, Mowers, Cultivators, Four-Wheeler (quad-runner), Planters, Power shears, Chain saws, Mechanical platforms, Man-lifts, Weed Eaters, Back Hoe, Excavator, Ditch Witch, Trencher, Geni Lift, and Extenday Roller.

While performing all of the following duties, Workers will be expected to conform to the specific instructions provided each day by the supervisory staff, according to established company procedures accounting for difference in the treatment of different varieties and instructions based on market, fruit condition and operational demands. Time spent in this activity will depend on ranch location and seasonality.

Farm activities will include clearing property, planting trees, harvesting nursery trees, building trellis, setting up and installing shade netting. Load and unload empty bins by hand, or tractor, or forklift, and place in orchard rows, transport full bins to loading areas.

• Drives trucks or other equipment to haul crops, supplies, tools or farm workers.

Special Requirements

Workers must have three-months experience in manual task and machine operation including heavy lifting, associated with commodity production.

Use of ladders up to 12 feet in height is required for pruning and irrigation. Workers must possess proficiency in handling ladders, climbing and working on ladders safely. Workers will be expected to use all equipment in a safe and prudent manner to avoid injury. Workers must not lean ladders into trees, lean off to one side of the ladder, or stand on the last two steps of the ladder. Workers must not climb tree and should use a ladder. If a Worker is unsure of how to use a ladder safely, he or she must notify a crew leader or supervisor.

Workers must have the ability to perform the task of pruning fruit trees. As described in Item A8a-A11 Job specifications.


Employer Contact Info


[email protected]


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