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Published on Oct 28 2024

Blueberry Worker

$14.68  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 5, 2024 to Aug 31, 2024


2188 Nail Rd
Baxley, GA 31513
United States

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Job description

Workers will be harvesting blueberries according to color, firmness and ripeness; The workers will be riding, pruning, weeding, hoeing, cleaning, sorting, stacking, boxing, carrying, picking, dumping, folding, grading, sweeping, selecting, labeling, manually changing and dumping lugs and sanitizing on the blueberry farm. Work is in inclement weather conditions including extremely hot, humid, cold and/or rainy weather.
Los trabajadores cosecharn arndanos de acuerdo con el color, firmeza y la madurez; Los trabajadores montarn, podarn, excavarn, escarda, limpiarn, clasificarn, apilarn, empaquetarn, transportarn, recogern, tirarn, doblarn, clasificarn, barrern, seleccionarn, etiquetarn, cambiarn y descargarn manualmente las asas y desinfectarn en la granja de arndanos. El trabajo se realiza en condiciones climticas adversas, incluyendo clima extremadamente caliente, hmedo, fro y / o lluvioso.

Special Requirements

The employer will only conduct a drug test only if the worker (employee) is in a work-related accident. The drug testing will be at the employers expense. If the worker fails the drug test or refuses the drug testing, this will be probable cause for termination of
El empleador solo llevar a cabo una prueba de drogas solo si el trabajador (empleado) est en un accidente laboral. La prueba de drogas ser a expensas de los empleadores. Si el trabajador no pasa la prueba de drogas o rechaza la prueba de drogas, esto ser
causa probable para la terminacin del empleo.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... H-2A workers do not have a right to get paid for overtime work, or “time and a half?”

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