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Published on Oct 24 2024


$14.53  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 16, 2024 to Jun 30, 2024


11522 LA Hwy 92 + fields within a 10-mile radius *All worksites owned, leased, and controlled by Employer.
Maurice, LA 70555
United States

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Job description

Temporary, seasonal workers needed for soybean, sugarcane and wheat farm; job duties include tractor
driving, field preparation, water maintenance, fertilizing, planting and harvesting crops; manual shovel work;
hoe weeds; spot spraying, general farm labor; repair and maintain equipment, farm, fields; drainage work;
clean/clear roads during/after harvest; all tools furnished, job involves frequent stooping, exposure to extreme
temps; minimum 3 months experience in similar occupation. Base hours offered is 40 hours; overtime hours
are usually offered during plentiful season and may include and additional 10-40 hours of overtime work
depending on the nature of the season; higher wage may be paid based on experience.

Trabajadores temporales y estacionales necesarios para la agricultura de soja, caña de azcar y trigo; las
tareas laborales incluyen conducir tractores, preparar el campo, mantener el agua, fertilizar, plantar y
cosechar cultivos; trabajo con pala manual; malas hierbas azada; fumigacion localizada, mano de obra
agricola en general; reparar y mantener equipos, granjas, campos; trabajos de drenaje; caminos
limpios/despejados durante/despues de la cosecha; todas las herramientas provistas, el trabajo implica
agacharse con frecuencia, exposicion a temperaturas extremas; experiencia minima de 3 meses en
ocupacion similar. Las horas base ofrecidas son 40 horas; las horas extraordinarias generalmente se ofrecen
durante incluir entre 10 y 40 horas adicionales de trabajo en horas extraordinarias, segun la naturaleza de la
temporada; Se puede pagar un salario mas alto segun la experiencia.

Special Requirements



Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... there are 2 types of H-2 visas?

Agricultural workers get H-2A visas. H-2B workers are in non-agricultural jobs like construction.

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