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Published on Oct 28 2024

Farmworker: Diversified 45-2092.00

$14.77  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 30, 2024 to May 30, 2024


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12210 Loxahatchee Rd
Parkland , FL 33076
United States

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Job description

Worker must possess the physical strength and endurance (ability to continue or last) to repeat the harvest process though out the workday, working quickly and skillfully to perform activities assigned during that activity. Workers must work at a sustained (continuing for an extended period of time without interruption), vigorous pace (quick and steady) and make bona fide efforts (made in earnest intent) to work efficiently (performing or functions in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort) and consistently (same way for a long time) that are reasonable under the climatic and other working conditions, Workers may not leave trash, or other discarded items in work areas or vehicles but must dispose of such items in provided receptacles. Workers must wash hands with soap and water after all bathroom and meal breaks. Allergies to varieties of ragweed, goldenrod, insecticides, related agricultural chemicals, etc., may affect worker’s ability to perform the work described herein.

Sanitation Requirements: For food and general personal safety purposes, all workers will be required and expected to follow common sanitary practices at all times. This is particularly critical when hand harvesting crops for human consumption. Employees are required to cleanse their hands by washing them thoroughly with soap and water after using the bathroom and before entering the fields for harvest activities or the packing facility for packing operations.

Workers will harvest and pack watermelons according to supervisors instructions. At harvest, workers will be expected to select the melons based on the standard disclosed to the worker by the supervisor. Workers will walk along rows and cut melons according to size, color, shape, and degree of maturity using a knife. May carry to trailer or windrow for loading at a later time. Also, the workers will be expected to grade, sort, and place in shipping containers. After harvest is completed, workers will be required to remove mature melon vines from the plastic as well as preparing the plastic for the next planting cycle, if applicable. May also be required to remove old or damaged plastic and irrigation drip tape along with any other trash, rocks, or debris from the planting areas. Workers will assist in preparation of field areas prior to installation of new plastic and drip tape.

Packing: Workers will perform various duties associated with packing the employer’s product this will be done on a farm. Packing is both field packing and in a shed.

Farm Equipment Operation- Workers may be required to operate various farm equipment including trucks, forklifts and tractors. Only properly licensed drivers will be permitted to operate farm vehicles. Workers must take care to operate all equipment safety and follow all safety requirements outlined by the employer.

During certain duties, workers may be required to work in teams to accomplish a certain task. When engage in teamwork activities workers must coordinate with other members of the team to accomplish the task.

The employer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able to but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product.

Farm, Field, and Shed Sanitation: All workers will be responsible for picking up trash, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping floors and other farm, and shed sanitation duties.

Special Requirements

Must be physically able to meet and perform all job specifications stated in job order. Must be able to work in the hot humid weather for extended periods of time. Workers are subject to random drug testing at no cost to the employee. All drug testing will occur after the worker begins his or her employment and is not a part of the interview process. Failing or refusing a drug test will result in immediate termination.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... H-2A and H-2B visa holders are entitled

to reimbursement for the cost of their trip and their visas?

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