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Published on Jan 08 2025

Farmworkers And Laborers

$14.77  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From May 2, 2024 to May 31, 2024


26551 State Road 60 E.

Lake Wales, FL 33898
United States

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Job description

Pepper Harvesting: As instructed, worker will move down assigned row and pick proper size, shape and color of pepper, place into bucket. When full, take to field truck, and obtain an empty bucket. Staking Pepper (all): As instructed, the worker gets an armful of stakes from the field truck (approximately 30 stakes, ranging in length from 36" to 48") They stick stakes upright in the bed in each of the lines of peppers on the bed every 6th plant. After they come back with a stake hammer and drives them into the ground. Stringing Pepper (all): As instructed, the worker receives a box of twine and moves down the row circling twine around each stake on the side of the bed row. At the end of the row, the worker circles twine on the opposite side of the bed row on the second stake, making a full circle on each row. Twine is tied at the beginning and end of each circled row.

Pimienta encordada: Segn las instrucciones, el trabajador recibe una caja de cordel y se mueve hacia abajo por la fila dando vueltas alrededor de cada estaca en el lado de la fila de la cama. Al final de la fila, el trabajador rodea el cordel en el lado opuesto de la fila de la cama en la segunda estaca, haciendo un crculo completo en cada fila. El cordel se ata al principio y al final de cada fila en un crculo.

General clean-up of Farm property and housing for harvesting workers: Workers on physical work restrictions or when harvesting work is not available is not available may be required to perform miscellaneous cleanup work on the farm property, on structures utilized in the farm operation, and on housing for harvesting workers. Such clean-up activities include the sprouting, pruning, and planting of trees/plants. Debris, weed and vine removal: irrigation repair; housing and structure cleaning and repair; general grove farm clean-up as required. Weeding: Workers will remove weeds by use of a hoe from the walkway and remove all weeds growing around plants by hand. Workers will remove weeds from growing area, by raking piles of debris and dispose of it as instructed. Pruning: Workers will prune plants and perform hoop maintenance at the blueberry farm. Workers will be paid the highest of the adverse effect wage rate, the prevailing wage rate, or the applicable minimum wage rate for the time spent performing such clean-up work. Worker will be provided a one-day (6-hour) training. Must be able to maintain the production standard indicated in the petition after the one-day training and six(6) day acclimation period.

Limpieza general de la propiedad agrcola y la vivienda para los trabajadores de la cosecha: Los trabajadores con restricciones de trabajo fsico o cuando el trabajo de cosecha no est disponible no est disponible pueden ser obligados a realizar trabajos de limpieza diversos en la propiedad agrcola, en las estructuras utilizadas en la operacin de la granja y en la vivienda para los trabajadores de la cosecha. Tales actividades de limpieza incluyen la brotacin, poda y plantacin de rboles / plantas. Eliminacin de escombros, malezas y vides: reparacin de riego; limpieza y reparacin de viviendas y estructuras; Limpieza general de la granja Grove segn sea necesario. Deshierbe: Los trabajadores eliminarn las malas hierbas mediante el uso de una azada de la pasarela y eliminarn todas las malezas que crecen alrededor de las plantas a mano. Los trabajadores eliminarn las malas hierbas del rea de cultivo, rastrillando pilas de escombros y desechndolas segn las instrucciones. Poda: Los trabajadores podarn las plantas y realizarn el mantenimiento del aro en la granja de arndanos. A los trabajadores se les pagar la tasa salarial ms alta de efectos adversos, la tasa salarial prevaleciente o la tasa de salario mnimo aplicable por el tiempo dedicado a realizar dicho trabajo de limpieza. El trabajador recibir una capacitacin de un da (6 horas). Debe ser capaz de mantener el estndar de produccin indicado en la peticin despus del entrenamiento de un da y el perodo de acli

Special Requirements

Dunson Harvesting Inc. is a drugfree workplace and has a zero-tolerance policy for drug and alcohol in the workplace and in the employerprovided housing. Background checks and drug testing will be conducted post hire at employer's expense due to safety concerns for employees in the field and also due to housing employees together. Drug testing may be done post-accident and randomly for cases with valid reasons of suspicion. A criminal background check will be conducted post-hire at the employers expense. Criminal background checks will be conducted post-hire as the worker will be housed with other Dunson Harvesting workers. Dunson Harvesting Inc. will require a drug test to be conducted post-hire at the employer's expense.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]


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