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Published on May 16 2024

Harvesting Farm Labor

$14.68  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Jun 10, 2024 to Jul 15, 2024


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LENOX, GA 31637
United States

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Job description

Planting: The worker, in order to perform this kind of work, must be able to work outside for at least 5 hours a day in all kinds of weather and be in possession of the requisite physical strength and endurance to repeat the planting and picking process rapidly, the employer will provide the tools necessary to perform the described job duties without charge to the worker. To harvest watermelon , the worker will walk down the field rows where the product will be harvested. The worker will first cut the vine off the watermelon with a knife tool and place the product on to the bus . The worker will bend over harvesting the ripe watermelon which can vary in weight from 20lbs to 50lbs from the ground and tossing the watermelon to the worker next to him and this worker will toss the watermelon to the next worker and so on, until the watermelon is then tossed the person inside the bus who will place the watermelon on the floor, loaded buses will be transported by farm field driver to the packing location on the farm. Packing: When the bus is full, it will be taken to the packing house where the workers will unload the product, put it in a convener belt that will transport the product into the packing house where it will be separated by size, labeled and packed by workers. Driver will move/drive in field buses. Driver will drive harvesting (cut downs) buses through the field roads only, drivers will not be allowed to drive on public roads. Drivers will drive the length of the field as many time as needed to fill buses with product. Drivers will move at a slow pace a the field workers will be hand loading the harvesting bus being driven. Drivers will then park full buses at the entrance/exit of the field and retrieve an empty to bus to repeat the process of filling a harvesting bus. The anticipated range of scheduled work hours will be from 8:30am to 1:30pm, workers will be offered at least 5, but not more than 12 hours per dayof work during the anticipated range. The anticipated range is set and based on the forecasted weather conditions and product orders and could change daily. Workers will be notified one day prior to reporting for daily tasks of the next day's work schedule.

Special Requirements

This type of work, involves working conditions that require tremendous stamina, a high level of physical activity in cold or extremely hot conditions in direct sunlight and in adverse weather such as rain. The work requires a high level of physical conditioning. Due to the type of work involved, if worker can not maintain the level of production set forth by the farmer, the worker will have to be terminated for being unable to complete the work as deemed in this order.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... both H-2A & B workers have the right to receive payment for 75% of the hours on their contract, whether or not they worked it?

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