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Published on Mar 03 2025

Farm Worker

$9.98  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Aug 30, 2024 to Mar 28, 2025


Barrio Jacanas Carr 127 Km 1.1
Yauco, PR 00698
United States

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Job description

Plantains and bananas.
Workers will harvest, plant, and provide maintenance to the crops. Workers must possess the physical strength and endurance to repeat the harvest process throughout the workday, working quickly and skillfully to perform the activities assigned. Workers must work at extended periods of time without interruption at a vigorous pace and make an earnest intent to work efficiently. Workers must perform their duties consistently under reasonable climates and other working conditions. Workers may not leave trash or other discarded items in work areas. Workers must wash their hands with soap and water after all bathroom and meal breaks and use hand sanitizer in a frequent manner. Some allergies to varieties of insecticides or related agricultural chemicals may affect workers' ability to perform the work described herein. Sanitation Requirements: For food and general personal safety purposes, all workers will be required and expected to follow common sanitary practices at all times. This is particularly critical when hand-harvesting crops for human consumption. Employees are required to cleanse their hands by washing them thoroughly with soap and water after using the bathroom and before entering the fields for harvest activities. Potential use of machinery.
Pltanos y bananos.
Los trabajadores cosecharn, plantarn y darn mantenimiento a los cultivos. Los trabajadores deben poseer la aptitud fsica, fuerza y resistencia para repetir el proceso de cosecha a lo largo de la jornada laboral, trabajando rpida y hbilmente para realizar las actividades asignadas. Los trabajadores deben trabajar durante perodos prolongados de tiempo sin interrupcin y a un ritmo vigoroso. Los trabajadores deben hacer un serio intento de trabajar eficientemente. Los trabajadores deben realizar sus tareas consistentemente bajo climas razonables y otras condiciones de trabajo. Los trabajadores no pueden dejar basura u otros artculos desechados en reas de trabajo. Los trabajadores deben lavarse las manos con agua y jabn despus de todos los descansos para ir al bao y comer, y usar desinfectante para manos en una manera frecuente. Algunas alergias a variedades de insecticidas o productos qumicos agrcolas relacionados pueden afectar la capacidad de los trabajadores para realizar el trabajo aqu descrito. Requisitos de saneamiento: Para fines alimentarios y de seguridad personal general, se espera que todos los trabajadores sigan las prcticas sanitarias comunes en todo momento. Esto es particularmente crtico cuando se cosecha a mano cultivos para consumo humano. Los empleados deben limpiarse las manos lavndolas minuciosamente con jabn y agua despus de ir al bao y antes de ingresar al campo para las actividades de cosecha. Es posible que se requiera el uso de maquinaria pesada en el proceso de cosecha.

Special Requirements

This job requires a minimum of one month of prior experience harvesting, planting, and providing maintenance to different types of
crops. The workweek is Monday through Friday; Saturday and Sunday work may be offered but not required. Must be physically able to meet and perform all job specifications stated in the job order and must be able to lift/carry 50 lbs. Must be able to work in the hot humid weather for extended periods of time. Employer-paid post-hire drug testing is required after a worker has an accident at work and upon suspicion of use.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

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