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Published on Oct 25 2024

Farmworkers And Laborers, Crop

$14.77  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Sep 3, 2024 to May 31, 2025


26.6778, -80.48430
Loxahatchee, FL 33470
United States

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Job description

Participate in irrigation activities. Install and maintain irrigation systems to ensure the efficient distribution of water to crops. Troubleshoot and repair systems to ensure optimal performance. Manually plant, cultivate, and harvest bell pepper & specialty pepper, zucchini, squash & eggplant, green beans, watermelon, sugar cane, rice, lettuce, Asian leafy vegetables & leafy vegetables, herbs, radishes, celery, sweet corn. Use hand tools, such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears and knives. Duties may include tilling soil and, transplanting, weeding, thinning or pruning. Cleaning, grading, sorting, packing and loading harvested products. Must be able to reach, bend and lift items weighing 50 pounds. Must be able to work outdoors in dusty and dirty conditions, in extreme heat and cold inclement weather. Must be able to listen to, understand and follow simple instructions of supervisors and dispatcher. Must be able to work in fields where ants, snakes and poison ivy are encountered. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic devices during working hours is strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination.

Participar en actividades de riego. Instalar y mantener sistemas de riego para asegurar la distribución eficiente del agua a los cultivos. Solucionar problemas y reparar sistemas para garantizar un rendimiento óptimo. Plante, cultive y coseche hortalizas manualmente. Utilice herramientas manuales, como palas, paletas, azadas, pisones, podaderas, tijeras y cuchillos. Los deberes pueden incluir labrar la tierra y trasplantar, desmalezar, aclarar o podar. Limpieza, clasificación, selección, embalaje y carga de productos cosechados. Debe poder alcanzar, doblar y levantar artículos que pesen 50 libras. Debe poder trabajar al aire libre en condiciones de polvo y suciedad, en condiciones climáticas extremas de calor y frío. Debe poder escuchar, comprender y seguir instrucciones sencillas de los supervisores y el despachador. Debe poder trabajar en campos donde se encuentran hormigas, serpientes y hiedra venenosa. El uso de teléfonos celulares personales u otros dispositivos electrónicos personales durante el horario laboral está estrictamente prohibido, excepto para llamadas o emergencias relacionadas con el trabajo, y su violación puede resultar en el despido inmediato.

Special Requirements

See Addendum C/Ver Addendum C

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... any time you spend under the instructions of your boss, whether you're waiting orders or cleaning, is time you should be paid for?

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