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Published on Sep 22 2024


$16.63  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Oct 1, 2024 to Mar 15, 2025


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Shelton Dairy Corp
Also known as: Shelton Dairy Corp

10506 CR 75.5
Roggen, CO 80652
United States

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Job description

In the months October through the middle of March, there is limited grass on the pastureland where the cows and calves normally graze at other times of the year. These animals are moved off the dryland pasture and into confined pens and smaller pasture areas where we can feed them through the winter. During this confined period, the animals are doctored and processed. This confinement period requires feed procurement, feed processing, feed mixing, feed delivery, herd monitoring, herd doctoring, pen maintenance, herd transporting, herd processing (weaning, tagging, banding, vaccinations, pregnancy checking, assistance with early calving, etc.). Calves are weaned in October or November and are fed and processed in separate confined areas through the winter until they are sold to a feedlot and moved off site in March. Job duties will include: clean stalls, pens, and equipment, using disinfectant solutions, brushes, shovels, water hoses, or pumps, examine animals to detect illness, injury, or disease, and to check physical characteristics, such as rate of weight gain, herd livestock to pastures for grazing or to scales, trucks, or other enclosures, inspect, maintain, and repair equipment, machinery, buildings, pens, yards, maintain growth, feeding, production, and cost records, mark livestock to identify ownership and grade, using brands, tags, paint, or tattoos, mix feed, additives, and medicines in prescribed portions, move equipment, poultry, or livestock from one location to another, manually or using trucks or carts, patrol grazing lands on horseback or using all-terrain vehicles, perform duties related to livestock reproduction, such as breeding animals within appropriate timeframes, performing artificial inseminations, and helping with animal births, provide medical treatment, such as administering medications and vaccinations, or arrange for veterinarians to provide more extensive treatment, segregate animals according to weight, age, color, and physical condition, spray livestock with disinfectants and insecticides, or dip or bathe animals, care for animals, clean equipment or facilities, examine animals to detect illness, injury or other problems, maintain inventories of materials, equipment, or products, maintain operational records, treat animal injuries or illnesses. Employer may provide pay increases for performance, longevity and/or experience at employer’s discretion., Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion.

Special Requirements

Employer will conduct post-hire drug tests at no cost to the employee to enforce a drug free workplace policy. Failing a drug test will result in termination. Employer will conduct post-hire criminal background checks at no cost to the employee and will not employ anyone with a felony/theft criminal background as required by the workplace safety policy and company HR hiring practices as allowed by law. Job requires exposure to extreme outdoor temperatures, extensive pushing or pulling, extensive sitting or walking, frequent stooping or bending over, repetitive movements. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. Must have a regular driver's license. Requires 3 months farm experience.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

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