Ag Equipment Operator
200 Kinsey Rd
Miles City, MT 59301
United States
Job description
Grain hauling position related to transporting grain from point farm to the elevator. Your duties as a driver in this position are to load grain into a truck and drive the load to a grain elevator or storage bin. Physical labor and heavy lifting are major aspects of this career, and you also need to know how to operate farm and agriculture equipment. Your responsibilities include inspecting your truck and grain hauler, following guidelines set by your employer, and transferring grain crops efficiently.
• Montana Farm Equipment Operators:
Covering actual farm-to-market operations, not commercial grain haulers. Drivers must be 21 years old, and vehicle must have farm plates. Farm workers are not required to have a CDL to operate vehicles:
o Controlled and operated by a farmer, a member of his family, or an employee.
o Used to transport farm products, equipment or supplies to or from a farm.
o Used within 150 air miles of the farm.
o Used in a nursery or agricultural operations.
o Not used in the operations of a contract motor carrier.
Special Requirements
Employer provided items (at no cost to the worker): All tools and equipment necessary to perform the duties assigned as well as transportation between worker(s) on-site housing and the work site. A cell phone or two-way radio will be provided for emergency and ranch communications at no
cost to the worker (excluding long distance charges).
The expected work schedule may be required in a split shift due to the nature of the job duties. Hours may vary due to weather, time of year and the requirements of the job. Work may be offered more than the specified hours per day, but only required to work the hours specified. Work may be offered 7 days a week but only required 6 days a week.