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Published on Feb 27 2025


$18.18  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Sep 21, 2024 to Dec 15, 2024


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6202 Johnson Rd Hebron, IL 60034
Hebron, IL 60034
United States

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Job description

The average work day during harvest is 15 hrs. Start time is approximately 7:00 a.m. Work hours are determined by crop and weather conditions. The work day may begin/end earlier or later on any given day and evening, night hours may be required. Workers may be requested to work additional hours, weekends, holidays, and the Sabbath depending on crop conditions and need. At the sole discretion of the employer, workers may be required to submit to a post hire drug test, paid by the employer. Positive results or refusal to take the test may result in immediate termination. Only workers may occupy the housing unless other arrangements have been made with the employer. Workers must vacate the housing promptly at the end of the contract or upon termination. Any worker found to have a criminal conviction, DWI, commits serious acts of misconduct, refuses to follow instructions, violates work rules, fails to perform job duties in a competent manner, or other lawful job-related reasons will be terminated. Workers must be physically able to perform all job duties safely, quickly, and skillfully. Workers who have a clean driving record and insurable driver's license may be required to drive company vehicles. Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: Operate various equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for harvesting of crops. Maintain/repair/inspect machinery. Maintain farm grounds/mow. Wash equipment as needed. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. Physically able to meet and perform all job specifications. Crops: Corn, Soybean.
Workers will have an unpaid lunch break when working more than 5 hours. Workers should plan on packing a lunch as most times they will not be able to leave for lunch. If workers are unable to leave or stop for lunch, they will be paid eating lunch on the go. Must report to work at the designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedules may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start/end times. Employer may request, but not require that workers work more than the stated daily hours, on the worker's Sabbath.

Special Requirements


Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... your salary with an H-2B visa should be the max rate out of the federal minimum salary, state minimum salary, and your job salary?

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