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Published on Mar 10 2025

Landscaping And Groundskeeping Workers

$16.20  per hour
Visa required: H-2B
From Oct 1, 2024 to Dec 15, 2024

5639 Jerry City Road
Wayne, OH 43466
United States

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Job description

May include, but not limited to:
- Gather and remove litter.
- Use hand tools, such as shovels, rakes, pruning saws, saws, hedge or brush trimmers, or axes.
- Operate vehicles or powered equipment, such as mowers, tractors, twin-axle vehicles, snow blowers, chainsaws, electric clippers, sod cutters, or pruning saws.
- Water lawns, trees, or plants, using portable sprinkler systems, hoses, or watering cans.
- Prune or trim trees, shrubs, or hedges, using shears, pruners, or chain saws.
- Care for established lawns by mulching, aerating, weeding, grubbing, removing thatch, or trimming or edging around flower beds, walks, or walls.
- Mow or edge lawns, using power mowers or edgers.
- Rake, mulch, and compost leaves.

Special Requirements

Special Requirements and Provisions:
-Must be willing and able to tolerate very hot or very cold temperatures.
- Must be willing and able to tolerate loud noises.
- Must be available entire contract period.
- Must be able to lift at least 50 pounds and be able to perform physical labor.
- May conduct post-hire, employer-paid drug testing.

Schedule varies. Additional hours may be offered. May be required to work weekends.

All worksite locations are within driving distance of primary worksite location.

Employer will pay the highest of all prevailing wages for all worksite locations throughout the entire period of employment.

Employer may offer a bonus depending on experience and merit.

Daily Transportation is provided to all worksites from primary worksite.

Employer provides assistance to help workers secure their own housing who do not reside within a reasonable commute to primary worksite location.

Deductions to Pay: N/A

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when your work program ends

J-1 visa holders are given a 30-day grace period to prepare to return to their home country?

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