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Published on Jan 30 2025

Open Range Production Of Sheep

$4024.36  per month
Visa required: H-2A
From Oct 16, 2024 to Mar 15, 2025


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Mark Blakeman

Also known as: Peak Season Labor, Inc.

14130 County Road 117
West Sacramento, CA 95691
United States

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Job description

Open Range Production of Sheep Parturition/Lambing –- Oct 16 – March 15

Parturition takes place on the range. Starting on or around October 16, parturition/lambing season begins. This season is a critical phase in the PRODUCTION cycle of livestock.

Feeding and management are essential to the success of the season. It is during these last weeks of pregnancy that there is a need for increased feed, primarily to a more nutrient rich diet. Extra nutrition is needed to support fetal growth. Worker will be responsible for helping move sheep to staging areas, and monitoring animals closely during the last weeks of pregnancy to be sure they are in good health before Parturition.

Parturition Begins in October and lasts for approximately 5 months. During that time the worker will assist with the birthing of 1250 - 1500 animals. The worker must be able to demonstrate knowledge of sheep, and experience with animal nutrition and parturition along with the ability to monitor livestock to determine readiness to give birth.

Assisting with delivery, maintaining a clean environment. Sheep will need to be checked regularly during the 24-hour day, as animals can give birth around the clock. Knowledge of and ability to determine normal and abnormal parturition situations. Monitor sheep closely to help prevent problems. Ability to determine when assistance is required. Monitor health/growth and nutrition of newborn livestock. Monitor to ensure that newborn is nursing, taking in colostrum and milk. If newborns are not nursing as needed, supplement and assist as needed to ensure growth. Bottle feeding as necessary.

Once the ewes have given birth, it is important that the pairs do not break the bond. At this point pairs are separated from pregnant ewes, we give extra attention to moving the pairs back to the flock. Care must be given to their health and welfare including doctoring and ill animals and maintain vigilance over their prescience when night penning. Predation must be monitored and mitigated with human presence night penning and guardian dogs. During this time frame the worker will assist with the following: Animal vaccinations, castration and de-worm animals. Set up holding pens and panels for those sheep that need assistance. Have lambing supplies prepared and ready for use. Worker will utilize guard dogs to protect and guard the sheep Worker will be required to be On-Call 24/7 and liveand work on the range more than 50% of the time.

Special Requirements

Driving on Ranch Only

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... your salary with an H-2B visa should be the max rate out of the federal minimum salary, state minimum salary, and your job salary?

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