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Published on Sep 16 2024

Farm Worker

$15.14  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Oct 1, 2024 to Jul 31, 2025


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Continental Poultry Sexing Association

Also known as: Continental Poultry Service

1070 Main St.
Pikeville, TN 37367
United States

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Job description

Segregation of one-day old breeder chicks by examination of genitalia to grade and sort chicks for agricultural production. Repetitive handling of baby chicks to excrete feces and inspect the chick's anal vent in order to determine sex and sort by gender. Must be able to withstand long hours of standing and concentration.

Special Requirements

Must have minimum 98% accuracy in ability to segregate one-day old chicks. Strong recommendation needed by accredited business. Must be able to lift 5 lbs. 3 months experience required.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... H-2A workers do not have a right to get paid for overtime work, or “time and a half?”

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