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Published on Oct 23 2024


$18.32  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Dec 1, 2024 to Mar 15, 2025


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567 SE 120 Ave
Ellinwood, KS 67526
United States

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Job description

We are a farm in central Kansas that grows corn, milo, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa, and some cover crops. We also have a cow/calf herd and purchase bred heifers that we calve out in the winter. Our cattle are early springers, so we have the calving done by the time we start dealing with crops in the spring. We are located near a feedlot and appreciate the opportunity to utilize their manure as a source of soil nutrients. During the winter months, December through March, the cattle require more labor and attention than in the summer. Some of the cattle will be staged in a dry lot setting, requiring daily feeding and watering. Other cattle will be moved to crop residues or cover crops. In these situations, water needs to be hauled daily and the electric fences must be checked. Also, the cattle that are on the crop residues and cover crops must be moved to new fields when they have consumed the available feed at their current location, which requires labor. Prior to making the move, though, new electric fences must be erected. After the cattle have been relocated, the electric fence at the prior location must be removed. Stock water tanks are moved between locations at this time. Once the cattle are removed from a field, we do remedial work to remove compaction and haul dirt to ensure it is ready for the next crop in the cropping cycle. The cattle held at the dry lot produce manure that must be hauled out. The feed for these cattle must be moved from our crop fields where we grow it during the summer to a staging area for our dry lot cattle. We begin calving our purchased heifers in January. They need to be checked every 4 hours throughout the calving season. We do this in shifts so that no one gets overly tired from being on the night shift too often. All the cattle are processed/vaccinated at least once during the winter season. This is a big job and requires several individuals to keep it efficient and safe. Finally, we use the winter months as an opportunity to maintain our perennial pasture 5-strand barbed wire fences. We cut and remove trees growing in the fence lines, make repairs to broken wires and posts, and tighten loose wires. We identify a section of fence to tear out and rebuild annually. Employee will assist and complete general farm duties as assigned. Employer may provide pay increases for performance and experience at employer’s discretion. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion. Employer may provide pay increases for performance and experience at employer’s discretion. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion.

Special Requirements

Job requires a regular drivers license within 30 days of hire. Require 3 months experience.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

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