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Published on Mar 07 2025

Farmworkers And Laborers, Crop, Nursery, And Greenhouse

$17.84  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Feb 17, 2025 to Nov 29, 2025


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1109 Lane 3 N
Alamosa, CO 81101
United States

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Job description

Working conditions: Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with uneven fields and the Colorado climate. These conditions include dust, extremes of temperature, wind and at times, exposure to high levels of pollen. Workers should wear clothing suited to these conditions, including closed-toe shoes, hats, gloves, protective sleeves, and jackets which will provide adequate protection and allow freedom of movement.

Workers must be able to listen, understand, and follow the instructions of company supervisors and managers.
Workers must be willing to perform all duties according to the employer's rules and regulations during the contract period.

Job duties: Operate tractors to prepare the ground for planting and harvesting potatoes, malt barley and seed potatoes.
Worker will perform a variety of tasks using a tractor, such as discing, mowing, floating, cultivating, harvesting, fertilizing and chemical applications.
Worker must have prior experience mixing chemicals and calibrating the equipment.
Worker needs to know how to calibrate agricultural implements such as chemical spray nozzles, operate backhoes, and perform routine tractor maintenance and basic repairs.
Workers will assist in cleaning warehouses.
Must be able to lift and carry 50 lb boxes or bags.
Please see addendum C.

Special Requirements

This job requires a minimum of 1 month of agricultural experience working in diversified crops, handling manual and mechanical tasks, including agricultural field work. Written verification of experience is required.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when your work program ends

J-1 visa holders are given a 30-day grace period to prepare to return to their home country?

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