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Published on Mar 13 2025

Farmworkers And Laborers

$19.82  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 31, 2025 to Oct 31, 2025


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Loftus Administrative Services, Inc

Also known as: Loftus Administrative Services, Inc.

1209 Morrier Lane 1209 Morrier Lane
Yakima, WA 98901
United States

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Job description

Hot wax peppers, pumpkins, squash:
-Use a shovel to place dirt on top of plastic every 20ft to prevent mulch from blowing out.
-Lay out lay flat, cutting spaghettis, and installing spaghettis into lay flat. Flush out valves and repair drip tape leaks by installing a
coupler onto drip tape to fix the leak.
-Sitting on an implement pulled by a tractor, carefully removing one plant at a time from a plastic tray, dropping one plant per planting cup. Walk behind the implement to plant any missed spaces by planter manually. Ensure there is only one plant per planting slot.
-Install wire hoops 4ft in length into the ground used to hold up the string. This job requires workers to bend over constantly.
-Run string along plants and tie string to hoops. This prevents plants from falling over and or prevents sunburn. This job requires the worker to bend over constantly.
-Walk through the field and pull weeds by hand. The worker must ensure that there is no damage done to the plant when pulling weeds.
-Pick peppers, squash, and pumpkins by hand into a wheelbarrow/conveyer belt, pushing the wheelbarrow through field rows, and emptying peppers in the wheelbarrow into plastic bins at the end of every row. -The worker must be able to push a wheelbarrow that weighs approx. 100lbs through rows in the field; this job is physically demanding, so it is only suitable for physically fit individuals.

Apples/Pears: Hand harvest fruit. Workers will attach a harness, bucket, or bag and pick low-hanging fruit while standing on the ground and higher branches while standing on a ladder. The worker will pick according to grade, color, and size by grasping fruit with their hands and removing it from the tree
in a motion to not harm adjacent buds on the tree branches. The worker will carry a harness, bucket, or bag of up to 60 lbs. and place fruit into wooden bins, 4x4x3, which hold approximately 25 bushels. Care must always be exercised to prevent bruising fruit or breaking branches. Some
workers may be required to examine harvested fruit in bins and sort out any fruit not meeting the grade, color, and size specifications. The worker must possess the ability to pick up; handle a 10ft. or 12 ft. orchards ladder weighing up to 40 pounds.
Other Job Specifications include:
1.Workers will care for young non-producing fruit trees, including weeding, hoeing, trunk painting, hand fertilizing, and growth sections by hand and clipping.
2.Hand thinning of fruit trees to ensure proper fruit load on the tree.
3.Pruning of fruit trees
4.Training of fruit trees to trellis, including clipping and tying limbs and shoots to the wire.
5.Training and limb positioning of fruit trees.
6.Provide general labor to establish new orchard properties by clearing property, planting trees, building trellis, repair and spreading composted material, irrigation installation, and any other labor considered necessary for the efficient structure of new orchard properties.
7.Cares for trees during the growing process-recognize tree diseases such as blighted branches in apples and pears.
8.Harvest preparation includes spreading liners in bins, rolling bins into blocks by hand.
9.Propping and tying of fruit trees and limbs.
10.Pruning and thinning may be dome from the ground or ladder up to 12 feet in height or from a motorized platform.
11.Extend and retract shade cloth.
12.Extend and retract reflective material.
13.Picking numerous varieties of fruit, according to established company procedures accounting for different the treatment of different varieties.
14.Selectively pick only fruit of a specific color and or size as instructed by the supervisor.
15.Handle fruit carefully and do not bruise or damage fruit when it is placed in the bin.

Special Requirements

3 months of verifiable experience working with hops or apples required. Applicants must furnish verifiable job references or comparable third-party documentation from recent employers to establish acceptable prior experience. This requirement will be applied equally to all new foreign and domestic candidates. Workers may be required to lift or load up to 60 lbs. continually.

This application is for peppers, squash, pumpkins, apples, pears, hops, alfalfa and barley. This job requires growing, maintaining, and harvesting all crops. All jobs may be performed from a motorized platform, the ground, or a ladder. There are general conditions of employment, general job specifications, and individual requirements that are specific to each job duty.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

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