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Published on Sep 23 2024

Farm Worker

$14.26  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Apr 23, 2021 to Oct 31, 2021


2889 C Road
Grand Junction, CO 81503
United States

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Job description

By hand, transplant plants to field, plant seeds, move irrigation pipe, hoe and harvest sweet corn, tomatoes, melons, cherries, cukes, green beans, onions, squash, potatoes, and hemp at correct ripeness. Must be able to lift and carry 50 pound bucket of potatoes. Will also perform field cleanup.
A mano, trasplante las plantas al campo, plante las semillas, mueva el tubo de riego, azada y coseche maz dulce, tomates, melones, cerezas, pepitas, judas verdes, cebollas, calabazas, papas, y camo en la madurez correcta. Debe ser capaz de levantar y transportar un cubo de papas de 50 libras. Tambin realizar la limpieza de campo.

Special Requirements

Must be able to lift and carry 50 pound bucket of potatoes.
Debe ser capaz de levantar y transportar un cubo de papas de 50 libras.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]


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