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Published on Mar 12 2025


$14.58  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Apr 1, 2021 to Dec 15, 2021


16001 Saint Ave. Cresco IA 52136
Cresco, IA 52136
United States

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Job description

Workers will assist in the planting, cultivating, irrigating, and harvesting corn, soy beans, and hay. Workers will also assist in building of livestock confinement buildings on the property. Workers will assist in transporting crops to storage areas and to market. Workers will assist in cleaning and maintenance of the equipment used. Workers will assist in the cleaning of the storage areas. Workers will maintain fences, repair as needed. Working for long periods in the sun in the work process. Workers must be physically able to bend and stoop for long periods of time. Able to stand on feet for long periods of time. Physically able to meet and perform all other job specifications.

Trabajadores ayudaran en plantar, cultivar, regar, y cosechar maiz, soya, y heno. Trabajadores tambien ayudaran en la construcion de edificios para animales. Trabajadores ayudaran en transportando la cosecha a lugares de almacenaje y hasta el mercado. Trabajadores ayudaran en limpiar y mantener el equipo usado. Trabajadores ayudaran en limpiar los lugares de almacenaje. Trabajadores mantendran cercos, reparando si es necesario. Trabajando en el sol por tiempos largos en el proceso del trabajo. Los trabajadores deben poder fsicamente doblar y agacharse por tiempos largos. Capaz de pararse de pie por tiempos largos. Fsicamente capaz de hacer todas las otras especificaciones del trabajo.

Special Requirements


Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... both H-2A & B workers have the right to receive payment for 75% of the hours on their contract, whether or not they worked it?

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