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Published on Sep 22 2024

Range Livestock Worker

$1727.75  per month
Visa required: H-2A
From Apr 17, 2021 to Nov 30, 2021


United States

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Job description

Workers must have at least three (3) months of work experience birthing livestock with herds of two hundred (200) head or larger on the open range or pasture. One reference required.
Attends livestock grazing on the open range and or pasture. Herds and rounds up strays using trained dogs, beds down livestock near evening campsite and moves portable fence to avoid livestock over grazing. Guards livestock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants and ingesting poisonous water. Drenches livestock may examine livestock for signs of illness and administer medications, vaccines, and or insecticides according to instructions. May assist in birthing and health protocols for newborn animals. May need to work around and with tractors to assist with providing supplemental feed. May provide water to livestock including minor repair and maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May perform duties including but not limited to herding, trailing, branding, castrating, sorting, and loading on trucks for transport to a new range and or pasture or market. May perform general repairs on fences and livestock facilities, perform minor mechanical duties, welding and general ranch maintenance closely and directly related to herding and or the production of livestock.

The work activities involve the herding and production of livestock (which include work that is closely and directly related to heading and or the production of Livestock). The worker must be able to saddle and ride a horse or mule in a safe and effective manner such as to avoid injury to self, coworkers, bystanders, or the animal itself. The worker may be required to shoe horse for use. The worker must be able to operate a 4-wheeler (side by side) in a safe and effective manner. Worker must be able to work alone for extended periods of time and complete tasks as instructed by the employer in a safe and timely manner without direct supervision.

Some work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than fifty (50%) percent of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting, or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.

The worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness to avoid flies, mice, or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee maybe held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when you get to the US, you’re not required to give your boss your personal documents?

That includes your visa and passport!

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