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Published on Apr 25 2024

Livestock Worker

$12.96  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Oct 1, 2021 to Aug 1, 2022


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113 Hiett Lane
Benton, KY 42024
United States

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Job description

October-March Receiving stockers; preparing cows and stockers for wheat pasture, construct temporary fencing; ensuring existing fence stability and fixing any problem areas, prepare cows for calving; calve cows and heifers; monitor cows and heifers multiple times daily for any early calving; begin moving cattle to wheat pasture, monitor for bloat and other sickness; break ice in watering facilities, ensure hay, salt and mineral blocks availability depending on weather conditions; check all stockers and yearlings for weather related issues; April-July Move cattle off wheat pasture at first hollow stem to grass pasture as grass begins to grow; remove all temporary fencing; wean yearling calves; monitor cows and heifers for issues arising from pregnancy; sell stocker calves and yearling calves at the end of July when grass forage availability is depleted.

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Did you know that... both H-2A & B workers have the right to receive payment for 75% of the hours on their contract, whether or not they worked it?

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