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Published on Apr 19 2024

Nursery Workers

$13.03  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Dec 1, 2021 to Sep 14, 2022


2618 CR 1149
Tyler, TX 75710
United States

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Job description

Nursery Work - Including but not limited to, Tree and Shrub Maintenance, Shipping, Planting, and Facilities Maintenance. Prolonged standing, bending, stooping, and reaching. Job continues in all types of weather. Must be able to lift 50lbs. to shoulder height repetitively throughout the workday and be able to carry 50lbs. while walking various distances. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic device during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination.
Trabajo de vivero - incluye, entre otros, mantenimiento de rboles y arbustos, envo, plantacin y mantenimiento de instalaciones. De pie, agacharse, agacharse y estirarse durante mucho tiempo. El trabajo contina en todo tipo de clima. Debe poder levantar 50 libras. a la altura de los hombros repetidamente durante la jornada laboral y poder cargar 50 libras. mientras camina varias distancias. El uso de un telfono celular personal u otro dispositivo electrnico personal durante el horario de trabajo est estrictamente prohibido, excepto para llamadas o emergencias relacionadas con el trabajo y la violacin puede resultar en la terminacin inmediata.

Special Requirements

See Addendum C

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when you get to the US, you’re not required to give your boss your personal documents?

That includes your visa and passport!

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