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Published on Oct 23 2024

Farm Worker

$12.08  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Nov 26, 2021 to Jun 1, 2022

2701 Dean Ridge Road
Orlando, FL 32825
United States

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Job description

Harvest Oranges (98%): Move around orchard to picking location 5%, Move and place 18-20 ladders carefully and securely in trees and climb 5%, Pluck oranges from tres and place in picking bags 75%, Walk to and empty bags into bins 15%. Orchard Care (2%): Clean drip emitters and microjets 40%, Pruning dead wood from skirts and sucker/watersprout removal 20%, weed removal 40%.
5% field maintenance cleaning alleys, weeding, cleaning drip irrigation system.

Cosechar naranja (98%) Moverse en la huerta entre locales de cosecha. 5% Mover y localizar escaleras de 18 a 20 pies con cuidado, y subir. 5% cortar naranjas y poner en bolsos de cosecha 75% Caminar y vasear las bolsas en los cajones 15%. Cuidar la huerta (2%) Limpiar sistema de riego a goteo, 40% podar ramas muertas y ramitas en la corona del rbol, 20% quitar malesa 40%.

Workers will comply with procedures for ladder safety as instructed and follow other instructions of supervisor. Workers will follow rules that asure food safety as instructed which include hand washing, use of restrooms and handling of fruit. Tools paid for by employer; worker charged for negligent use, damage, and loss of tools. Trabajadores trabajan seguramente y seguir instrucciones. Trabajadores siguen las reglas de seguridad de comida como lavando las manos. Toman responsabilidad de cuidar las herramientas que estn proporcionadas por el empleador gratis. Trabajador pagara el abuso de herramientas.

Special Requirements

Drug screen at employer's expense after hire if accident or unusual behavior.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... under federal law, employers cannot retaliate against J-1 employees

for reporting that their workplace rights are being violated?

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