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Published on Sep 22 2024

Farm Worker

$14.82  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Feb 1, 2022 to Sep 13, 2022


No reviews

3525 E. Rd.
Palisade, CO 81526
United States

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Job description

Winter pruning of peach trees, rake brush, plant trees, clean/maintain work area, cut weeds, thin blossoms/fruit from trees. Harvest cherries/peaches/pears at correct ripeness, pack into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb down ladder with 35 lbs pack. Must pick 10 bushel bags (50 lbs) per hour for job retention. Requires 1 month experience pruning and thinning peaches or 1 month experience harvesting peaches. Workers will be trained in food safety and must follow guidelines to retain employment.

Special Requirements

Must be able to climb down ladder with 35 lbs pack. Must pick 10 bushel bags (50 lbs.) per hour for job retention. Will be trained in food safety and must follow guidelines to retain employment.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when you get to the US, you’re not required to give your boss your personal documents?

That includes your visa and passport!

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