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Published on May 05 2024

Farmworkers And Laborers

$14.55  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Feb 17, 2022 to Nov 30, 2022


23032 Hwy 20-26
Parma, ID 83660
United States

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Job description

This application encompasses field work and labor for growing onions, wheat, corn, sugar beets, dried peas, hops and maintaining a farm and certain job duties during harvest.

All other duties assigned under this order will be those duties of Farm Worker and Laborer Crop, Nursery and Greenhouse, under the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics Standard Occupational Classification Code 45-2092.

The lifting requirement for this position is 60 pounds.

Workers with a valid drivers license may drive vehicles to transport crop, equipment and workers.

The anticipated hours listed represent the normal work schedule. Due to the nature of these crops, weather, and the requirement to send crops to customers when needed, it is the prevailing practice to work more or different hours than those listed.

A worker may be offered more than the specified hours of work, however the worker will not be required to work for more than the number of hours specified in the job order, or on the worker’s Sabbath or Federal holidays. Saturday work may be required.

Employer-paid drug test is required if a worker has an accident at work.

Work day start times vary depending on the weather. depending on the time of year, hours of daylight, and production requirements. Workers must be able to work varying shifts as required by the season and work performed. Workers are notified of any change in the start times. Work may be performed during rain, light snow, cold, freezing temperatures and/or in high humidity and in temperatures over a 100 degrees F. Worker may be required to work in fields when crops are wet with dew/rain and should have suitable clothing for variable weather conditions.

Worker may never ride on agricultural equipment not designed for work related riding purposes or any other non-passenger intended equipment unless instructed and authorized by the employer or supervisor to do so.
All work-related injuries must be immediately reported to the crew leader, foreman, or supervisor.

Worker must possess requisite physical strength and endurance to repeat the harvest process throughout the workday. Workers must work at a sustained, vigorous pace and make bona-fide efforts to work efficiently and consistently that are reasonable under the climatic and all other working conditions.

Special Requirements

Workers must have at least 3 months general farm labor experience

The employers own or lease and operate all worksite locations. Workers will be assigned to employers based on seasonal need and crop progress.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when your work program ends

J-1 visa holders are given a 30-day grace period to prepare to return to their home country?

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