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Published on Sep 24 2024


$15.58  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 1, 2022 to Nov 15, 2022


34467 CR RR
Wiley, CO 81092
United States

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Job description

hay, milo, corn, wheat, alfalfa.
Performs a variety of manual and machine tasks associated with grain and hay crops production. Assist with irrigation (ditch/flood irrigation, tubes, gated plastic pipe), clean ditches, clean and maintain equipment, help load grain and seed, mow weeds, assist with mowing, cutting and baling hay, work in fields, clean around barns. Upon occasion workers may be required to dig ditches and install water lines to sheds, barns, stock tanks and other structures on the farm.

Workers will work loading trucks with bales of hay and sacks of grain weighing from 50 to 60 pounds. Workers must be able to lift such weights to a height of 5 feet over the course of the work day. Workers are expected to begin work early in the morning when fields may be wet with dew. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations.

In addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding and other tasks related to general farming.

Work may also include mechanized field work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, planters, sprayers, cultivators and other equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction.

Persons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance during the trial period is not acceptable to the employer the worker‘s employment will be terminated.

Employer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason.

Employer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time.

TERMINATION. All workers will be subject to a five-day trial period, during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks. Employer reserves the right to terminate a worker at the conclusion of the trial period if the worker’s performance fails to satisfy the employer’s reasonable expectations, or is otherwise unacceptable. Employer may terminate a worker for lawful job-related reasons, including but not limited to situations in which the worker: (1) Is repeatedly absent or tardy; (2) malingers or otherwise refuses, without cause, to perform the work as directed; (3) commits act(s) of misconduct or repeatedly violates the Work Rules; and/or (4) fails, after completing the five day trial period, to perform work in a competent and skillful manner, consistent with the employer's reasonable expectations.

Special Requirements

This job requires a minimum of six months prior experience working on a grain and hay farm handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Workers must be able to perform manual as well as mechanized activities with accuracy and efficiency. Saturday work required. Must be able to lift/carry 60 lbs.

Employer Contact Info

[email protected]


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