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Published on Oct 23 2024

Farmworkers And Laborers, Crop

$12.41  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 7, 2022 to Dec 1, 2022


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440 S. Shelfer Street
Quincy, FL 32351
United States

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Job description

This Job Description will involve many of the jobs required to grow and pack tomatoes. The work period will start out in March with Planting, Stobbing, Staking, Pruning, Tying along with occasional Farm hourly work. During the month of June, the work moves into the Packing House where you will be sitting and sorting tomatoes by Color and Quality. July is back on the Farm to pull and load Plastic and Stakes along with laying of new plastic. August through September will be Planting, Stobbing, Staking, Pruning and Tying the second crop, moving back into the Packing House the month of October through November 5th. The remaining time left on the contract will be pulling and loading plastic and stakes and hourly farm work.

Laying Plastic - Hourly
Workers will be required to use a shovel to dig trenches in the formed tomato bed which will then be covered with dirt. Workers may be required to stand and/or walk the entire work day. Workers may also be required to ride plastic machine to ensure formed tomato beds are properly covered with plastic mulch. Worker will be required to lift up to 120lbs.

Planting - Hourly
Workers will be required to ride on Tomato Plant setters for the entire work day. There will be two people per row times three rows for a total of six workers per Plant setter. Workers will be required to walk behind Plant setter to assist in the planting process. Workers may be required to drive Plant setter tractor. Workers will be required to load and unload plant trays from plant trailer to Plant setter. Workers will be required to place the plant at the proper depth and ensure the correct amount of dirt is covering the plant hole.

Stobbing - Piece/Contract
Workers will be required to load and unload tomato stakes which are in bundles of 20-25 sticks. Workers will be required to lift up to 40lbs. overhead. Workers will be required to Stob the tomato stick in the designated hole between the tomato plants. Workers will ensure all tomato sticks are in the upright position and not laying on the ground. Workers will be required to pick-up any and all broken
sticks along with any trash affiliated with the stobbing job. Worker will be required to lift up to 35lbs.

Hammer Stakes - Hourly
Workers will be required to stand/walk for the entire work day. Workers will manually hold a pneumatic Air Hammer which is attached by an air hose to an air compressor. Workers will be required to hammer each Individual stake at the correct depth as well as ensure the stake is standing straight and not at an angle. Workers will be required to walk behind hammer operation to assist in cleaning up any trash or debris. Workers may be required to drive a tractor for this operation.

Pruning - Piece/Contract
Workers will be required to walk and bend down at the waist for the entire work day. Workers will be required to prune a determined number of suckers from each individual plant by hand.

Tying - Piece/Contract
Workers will be required to bend down at the waist for the entire work day. Workers will be required to tie plants using a hollow pipe or stick with a hole on each end. Workers will thread twine through the holes in the pipe (or stick). Workers will tie the twine to the first stick of each individual row or walkway. The workers will use the pipe (stick) to loop the tying twine around each tomato stick and will ensure the twine is tight and at the proper height for the plant. Once the worker arrives at the end of row or a marked walkway, worker will then proceed to tie the other side of the plant using the same principal and motion resulting in the plant resting and supported between the twine.

Special Requirements

TRAINING: The employer will allow four (4) weeks of work for worker to reach production standards.

ENTRENAMIENTO: El empleador permitir cuatro (4) semanas de trabajo para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.

PRODUCTION STANDARDS: After completion of training or break-in period, employer will expect the worker to meet the following production standards
Stob: 1.4 Acres/day
Prune: 1.5 Acres/day
Tie: 1.25 Acres/day
Pull Plastic: 1.25 Acres/day
Load Plastic: 3.75 Acres/day
Stakes Pull & Bundle: 1.25 Acres/day
Load Stakes: 3.75 Acres/day

NORMAS DE PRODUCCIN: Tras la finalizacin del entrenamiento o periodo de adaptacin, el empleador esperar que el trabajador cumpla con las siguientes normas de produccin
Stob: 1.4 acres/da
Podar: 1.5 acres/da
Amarre: 1.25 acres/da
Tire de plstico: 1.25 acres/da
Sacar el plstico: 3.75 acres/da
Sacar y Atar Estacas: 1.25 acres/da
Carga de Estacas: 3.75 acres/da

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... most J-1 workers who work more than 40 hours a week

(and in some states, more than 8 hours a day), can get paid "time and a half?"

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