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Published on May 03 2024


$15.37  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 7, 2022 to Nov 4, 2022


9140 Kenowa Ave
Sparta, MI 49345
United States

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Job description

Thinning: Thinning is a manual process used to control the size and quality of grown fruit. Worker must possess ability to pick up and handle a 16 foot orchard ladder weighing 40 pounds. Worker will remove the smallest fruit blossom, bud and/or identifiable fruit from within a cluster of other fruits. Workers will be expected to be able to identify and remove fruit that is misshapen, damaged and/or with other quality problems as directed by supervisors. Thinning may be done from the ground or a ladder up to 16 feet in height or from a motorized platform.
Grafting: Grafting is the process of manually inserting a section of a fruit tree stem with leaf buds into the stock of a planted fruit tree. Worker will be required to safely use a knife to cut off a branch of the understock, making a straight, slanting cut. Worker may be required to safely use a chainsaw during grafting activities. Worker will then attach the cut section of the new stem to the stock of the tree and bind tightly with tape. All grafts must be covered with a protective coating immediately after completing the graft.
Other Job Specifications Include:
1. Worker will hand thin apple trees to ensure proper fruit load on tree.
2. Worker will train and position apple trees to trellis, including clipping and tying limbs and shoots to wire from the ground or ladder up to 16 feet in height, or from a motorized platform.
3. Worker will complete farm clean up tasks to include picking up garbage around the orchard, picking up roots and rocks, removing old string and wire from trellis and orchard blocks, and other hand tasks.
4. Worker will paint tree trunks and posts.
5. If worker is eligible to drive under Michigan law and provides proof of no infractions from official source, Employer may require worker to drive to and from the worksite and to locations within 30 miles as directed. To be eligible for driving job, worker must understand and agree to driving rules, as outlined in work rules below.
6. Worker will safely operate tractor and other farm vehicles as directed.
7. Worker will weed in farm areas.
8. Worker will stake.
9. Worker will plant and complete other hand tasks to establish and maintain orchard areas, including shoveling, picking up roots and rocks.
10. Worker may be asked to sort harvested cherries and apples for quality standards and report issues to worker supervisor.
11. Worker will safely drive platform and other mechanized pruning equipment.
12. Worker will repair boxes.
13. Worker will roll out and clean up tarps throughout orchard as instructed.
14. Worker will be required to lift, push and place heavy posts
15. Worker will be required to clean farm vehicles as assigned.
Pay will be hourly.
16. Worker will be required to assist with organizing farmworker housing prior to subsequent worker arrivals, including cleaning, organizing inventory and housing repairs.
17. Worker will be required to assist in reviewing cold storage rooms for any air leaks and will repair leak. Worker will clean cold storage rooms in accordance with food safety requirements.

Pay will be hourly

Special Requirements

2 verifiable months apple hand harvest experience required. Applicants must furnish job references from employers of the last 5 years establishing acceptable prior experience. Drug screen not required pre-hire, see work rule #5 for additional information regarding post-hire drug screening.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... H-2A and H-2B visa holders are entitled

to reimbursement for the cost of their trip and their visas?

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