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Published on Mar 12 2025

Blueberry/blackberry Harvesting

$11.99  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Feb 22, 2022 to Aug 1, 2022


170 Tamarisk Trail
Alma, GA 31510
United States

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Job description

Workers will pick, harvest, count, prune, stack, weigh, load, and unload blueberries and blackberries that are dry and according to the color, ripeness and firmness. They will also weed, prune, clean the fields, rake, clean around crop and storage. All these jobs will be done under extreme sunlight, stooping, and bending. All tools and equipment will be provided to the workers at no cost.

Los trabajadores recogern, cosecharn, contarn, podarn, apilarn, pesarn, cargarn y descargarn arndanos y moras que estn secos y de acuerdo con el color madurez y firmeza. Tambin desyerbarn, podarn, limpiarn los campos, rastrillarn, limpiarn alrededor de las reas de cultivo y almacenamiento, cavarn zanjas, plantarn plantas de arndanos / moras para la temporada siguiente y mantendrn un sistema de enrejado. Todos estos trabajos se realizarn bajo luz solar extrema, agachndose y agachndose. Todas las herramientas y equipos se proporcionarn a los travajadores sin costo alguno.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

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