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Published on Sep 20 2024

Spray Applicator

$15.54  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 28, 2022 to Dec 19, 2022


1230 Idaville-York Springs Rd.
Gardners, PA 17324

Gardners, PA 17324
United States

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Job description

A spray applicator will apply chemicals and pesticides in our apple orchards. They need to be able to read chemical names on a spray card, understand directions given by a licensed pesticide applicator, be able to mix and load a sprayer, troubleshoot problems with the sprayer, and be able to find and identify the orchards for each spray. Other jobs performed by this position include mowing, fixing equipment when it breaks down, and running a tractor and bin wagon during harvest. The job also includes moving around cases of spray material, including lifting, turning, and bending over, and keeping track of inventory.

Un aplicador aplicar qumicos y pesticidas en nuestros huertos de manzanas. Deben poder leer los nombres qumicos en una tarjeta de rociado, comprender las instrucciones dadas por un aplicador de pesticidas con licencia, ser capaces de mezclar y cargar un rociador, solucionar problemas con el rociador y poder encontrar e identificar los huertos para cada rociado. Otros trabajos realizados por esta posicin incluyen cortar el csped, arreglar el equipo cuando se descompone y operar un tractor y un carro de basura durante la cosecha. El trabajo tambin incluye mover cajas de material de rociado, incluyendo levantar, girar y agacharse, y hacer un seguimiento del inventario.

Special Requirements

Applicants must have 3 months of experience applying spray materials. Basic training will be provided to review the chemicals and spray materials we use throughout the season. Workers are expected to lift 50 pounds when moving cases of spray material. Applicants must be comfortable operating a tractor and sprayer effectively and be able to troubleshoot minor problems. They also can read spray cards with directions and mix and load spray material.

Los solicitantes deben tener 3 meses de experiencia aplicando materiales en aerosol. Se proporcionar capacitacin bsica para revisar los productos qumicos y los materiales que usamos durante la temporada. Se espera que los trabajadores levanten 50 libras al mover cajas de material. Los solicitantes deben sentirse cmodos manejando un tractor y un rociador de manera efectiva y poder resolver problemas menores. Tambin pueden leer tarjetas de quimicos con instrucciones y mezclar y cargar material de quimicos.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... most J-1 workers who work more than 40 hours a week

(and in some states, more than 8 hours a day), can get paid "time and a half?"

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