8 Western Ave
Kennebunk, ME 04043
United States
Job description
Preparing foods and kitchen for the day, including chopping, cutting, pulling food from walk-ins, starting equipment, etc., preparing and cooking foods/meals to order according to recipes, serving prepared meals to waitstaff, cleaning work areas, equipment, utensils, dishes, etc., closing kitchen at the end of the night by cleaning, taking care of food and waste, and shutting off all equipment.
1. Openings are for cook positions at Federal Jack’s Brew Pub Inc (8 Western Ave., Kennebunk ME
04043 (207-252-9221)), as well as at Sea Dog Brewpub in Camden ME, and Sea Dog Brewing
Company in South Portland ME.
2. Applicants may apply for any or all of the jobs listed. When applying, applicants are asked to identify
the job(s) (by company and work location) applied to for the entire period of employment specified.
If an applicant fails to identify one or more specific work location(s), that applicant is presumed to
have applied to all work locations listed in the advertisement.
Special Requirements
NOTE regarding F.A.5. A-H and F.A.6.A-6B: A typical work week consists of 40 hours per week, or more (overtime is possible), with multiple shifts available. (Note: The total number of 56 hours per week indicated above is misleading, due to the entry of 8 hours for each day of the week into the form, which is necessary because, with shifts typically lasting 8 hours, multiple shifts available, and variations in days off, workers may end up working on any day of the week and there is no specific day(s) when a worker is guaranteed not to work. This position is for 40 or more (40+) hours per week as indicated in the job order). Workers will have one to two days off (varies). Where there are multiple shifts available, workers may work as early as 9 AM and as late as 10 PM; 1-2 days off, varying.