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Published on Jan 17 2025

Seasonal Orchard Worker

$15.54  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From May 23, 2022 to Dec 9, 2022


1230 Idaville-York Springs Rd.
Gardners, PA 17324

Gardners, PA 17324
United States

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Job description

Seasonal orchard workers will be outside in all weather in the apple orchards. In the summer, they will mainly thin the crop and do summer pruning. In the fall, they will harvest apples. The workers may also complete other jobs, including weeding, helping to install irrigation systems, and establish and train young orchards. The job will include regularly using loppers, hand pruners, ladders, and a picking bag. At times other hand equipment may be used. Extensive standing and walking will be required. Workers with a clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) and able to obtain an insurable driver's license may be asked to drive company vehicles. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may be asked to drive other workers in a company vehicle or to run farm equipment.

Los trabajadores de huertos estacionales estarn afuera en todo clima en los huertos de manzanas. En el verano, principalmente reducirn la cosecha y podarn en el verano. En el otono, cosecharn manzanas. Los trabajadores tambin pueden completar otros trabajos, como eliminar las malas hierbas, ayudar a instalar sistemas de riego y establecer y capacitar huertos jvenes. El trabajo incluir regularmente el uso de loppers, podadoras de mano, escaleras y una bolsa de recoleccin. A veces se puede usar otro equipo de mano. Se requerir de pie y caminar mucho. Los trabajadores con un historial de conduccin limpia (no hay violaciones importantes de movimiento, tales como pero no limitado a conducir mientras est intoxicado o conduccin temeraria) y pueden obtener una licencia de conducir insuperable puede ser preguntado para conducir vehculos de la empresa. Se puede pedir a los trabajadores con licencias apropiadas y un certificado mdico vlido que conduzcan a otros trabajadores en un vehculo de la empresa o que ejecuten equipos agrcolas.

Special Requirements

Because the job is outdoors, it will include to exposure to high summer temperatures and low late fall temperatures, it includes extensive walking for the work, and repetitive movements for all hand labor in the orchard.
The driver requirements include a clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) and able to obtain an insurable driver's license may be required to drive company vehicles. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may be asked to drive other workers in a company vehicle or to run farm equipment - a tractor pulling a mower or a bin wagon.

Debido a que el trabajo es al aire libre, incluir la exposicin a altas temperaturas de verano y bajas temperaturas de finales de otoo, incluye una amplia caminata para el trabajo, y movimientos repetitivos para todo el trabajo de mano en el huerto.
Los requisitos del conductor incluyen un registro de conduccin limpia (no se pueden

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when your work program ends

J-1 visa holders are given a 30-day grace period to prepare to return to their home country?

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