Farm Worker
2889 C Road
Grand Junction, CO 81503
United States
Job description
By hand, transplant plants to field, plant seeds, move irrigation pipe, hoe and harvest sweet corn, tomatoes, melons, cherries, cukes, green beans, onions, squash, and potatoes at correct ripeness. Must be able to lift and carry 50 pound bucket of potatoes. Will also perform field cleanup.
A mano, trasplante las plantas al campo, siembre las semillas, mueva la tubera de riego, abone y coseche maz dulce, tomates, melones, cerezas, cukes, judas verdes, cebollas, calabazas y papas, en la madurez correcta. Debe poder levantar y transportar un balde de papas de 50 libras. Tambin realizar la limpieza del campo.
Special Requirements
Must be able to lift and carry 50 pound bucket of potatoes.
Debe ser capaz de levantar y transportar un cubo de papas de 50 libras.