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Published on Mar 09 2025

Agriculture Worker

$12.41  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From May 11, 2022 to Jul 15, 2022


19769 152ND STREET
LIVE OAK, FL 32060
United States

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Job description


Special Requirements

This type of work involves working conditions that require tremendous stamina, a high level of physical activity in cold or extremely hot
weather conditions, direct sunlight exposure, and adverse weather such as rain. This work requires a high level of physical
conditioning, that will require a Probationary Period of five (5) days beginning with the first day of employment, to show worker holds
required physical strength and endurance to perform this type of work.

Este tipo de trabajo implica condiciones de trabajo que requieren una gran resistencia, un alto nivel de actividad fsica en condiciones de fro o calor extremo.
condiciones climticas, la exposicin directa a la luz solar y el clima adverso, como la lluvia. Este trabajo requiere un alto nivel fsico.
condicionamiento, que requerir un Perodo de Prueba de cinco (5) das a partir del primer da de empleo, para demostrar que el trabajador posee
requiere fuerza fsica y resistencia para realizar este tipo de trabajo.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when your work program ends

J-1 visa holders are given a 30-day grace period to prepare to return to their home country?

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