Field Laborer/nursery Worker
1730 Keane Ave.
Naples, FL 34117
United States
Job description
Field Laborers will assist with potting, trimming, taping and loading plants; weeding, cleaning and applying fertilizers around the nursery. Prepare soil and growth media, cultivate, prune and otherwise participate in horticulture activities. Operate tractors and tractor-drawn machinery and self-propelled machinery to grow and harvest nursery stock, plants and shrubs. Harvest full-grown crops requiring digging, balling and heavy lifting (50 lbs over head). Work in all weather conditions. Hours may vary based on weather and crop conditions.
Los trabajadores del campo ayudaran a sembrar, recortar, vendar, y cargar plantas; desmalezar, limpiar y aplicar abono en el vivero. Preparar la tierra y media de cultivo, cultivar, recortar y participar de otra manera en las actividades de horticultura. Operar tractores, maquinas jaladas por tractor, y maquinaria autopropulsada para hacer crecer y cultivar mercancia del vivero, plantas y arbustos. Cultivar cosechas maduras, el cual requiere cavar, poner las plantas en arpillera, y levantar cosas pe
Special Requirements