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Published on Jan 16 2025

Harvest Worker

$15.54  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Jul 18, 2022 to Nov 25, 2022


1230 Idaville-York Springs Road

Gardners, PA 17324
United States

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Job description

Workers will be expected to perform manual jobs with accuracy and efficiency through harvest. They will use wooden straight ladders, metal step ladders, clippers, and picking bags that when filled weigh up to 40 pounds. They will pick apples for the fresh and processing markets, thin apples, and may at times do other manual labor if there is a lull in harvest work. This may include pulling weeds, picking rocks and roots, moving ladders, cutting suckers and using loppers, pulling or cutting thorny plants, weeds and vines from around trees, cleaning and clearing fence rows and farm buildings. In this work they may use hand-operated equipment like loppers, trimmers, saws, and shears. Workers must physically be able to pick tree fruit, most of which is done from ladders 6 to 20 feet long and can weigh up to 25 pounds and must be safely maneuvered on steep and uneven terrain. Picked fruit is placed in plastic-framed canvas covered picking bag with canvas straps the slip over the head and rest on the shoulders. Filled bucket, weighing up to 40 pounds, is emptied into bulk bins. Workers place ladders firmly against or within the tree in a secure position so as to not break libs or knock off fruit, and to prevent slips and falls. All fruit must be handled with care to avoid bruising. Each tree will be picked according to instructions given each day by the crew supervisor. Must be experienced in distinguishing between apple varieties and must be able to spot pick apples for acceptable color and sort out fruit with defects. Field supervision monitors workers to ensure fruit is not bruised in picking.
Workers will not be required to work on their Sabbath or on federal holidays, though hours will still be offered if the field conditions warrant it.

Work is to be done for long periods of time - workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements, extensive walking, exposure to wet weather like occasional showers not severe enough to stop field work, temperatures from 25 to 105 F, and lifting and carrying 40 pounds. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect a worker's ability to perform the job. Saturday work is required.

Se espera que los trabajadores realicen trabajos manuales con precisión y eficiencia durante la cosecha. Usarán escaleras rectas de madera, escaleras de tijera de metal, maquinillas y bolsas de recolección que, cuando se llenan, pesan hasta 40 libras. Recogerán manzanas para los mercados de productos frescos y de procesamiento, manzanas delgadas y, en ocasiones, pueden realizar otros trabajos manuales si hay una pausa en el trabajo de cosecha. Esto puede incluir arrancar malas hierbas, recoger rocas y raíces, mover escaleras, cortar chupones y usar tijeras de podar, arrancar o cortar plantas espinosas, malas hierbas y enredaderas de alrededor de los árboles, limpiar y despejar filas de cercas y edificios agrícolas. En este trabajo, pueden usar equipos manuales como podaderas, podadoras, sierras y cizallas. Los trabajadores deben ser físicamente capaces de recolectar frutos de los árboles, la mayoría de los cuales se hacen desde escaleras de 6 a 20 pies de largo y pueden pesar hasta 25 libras y deben maniobrar con seguridad en terrenos empinados y desiguales. La fruta recolectada se coloca en una bolsa de recolección cubierta de lona con marco de plástico con correas de lona que se deslizan sobre la cabeza y descansan sobre los hombros. El balde lleno, que pesa hasta 40 libras, se vacía en contenedores a granel. Los trabajadores colocan las escaleras firmemente contra el árbol o dentro de él en una posición segura para no romper las ramas ni sacar la fruta, y para evitar resbalones y caídas. Toda la fruta debe manipularse con cuidado para evitar magulladuras.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... when your work program ends

J-1 visa holders are given a 30-day grace period to prepare to return to their home country?

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