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Published on Sep 20 2024


$14.79  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Jul 1, 2022 to Aug 31, 2022


N32 42.848, W114 41.719, PRIVATE, SHED
Yuma, AZ 85365
United States

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Job description

Beekeeper to perform the following duties:

Bee handler, prior to checking colonies/hives will prepare supplement food source by mixing in a cement mixer of various food products for bees. Mixture is then placed on extra bee hive/box lids that are then stacked onto pallets for transporting to field locations of colonies of bees (apiary). Once the bee handlers reach this location, they will remove the original lid and replace with lids that were prepared with supplemental feed. Two to three nights later, the night crew will add syrup. This is done by removing the top box, and locating the syrup reservoir. Then syrup is added to the reservoir by hose until the reservoir is full. This process is then repeated until all hives at this location are serviced. Bee handler will then travel to designated sites of other locations where other colonies/hives are located and repeat the process. Bee handler will load, by forklift, or by hand, hives/boxes to locations of customers for the use of pollination of agriculture crops. Queen breeding takes place during this pollination period, by the bee handler dividing hives/boxes and checking brood, honey, and pollen to ensure that divides have adequate amount of each to support the hive/box until the queen emerges. Bee handler will return and remove from these same locations hives/boxes of bees when pollination is complete, and return hives/boxes to their permanent sites (apiary). Bee handler will then return to such sites (apiary) to remove bee frames for honey collection by opening lid, and removing frames to be transported to shop for extraction. During extraction, bee handler will place the frames of honey on an uncapping machine that removes the bees wax. Then place the frames in a tumbler to draw the honey out of the frame. When the honey is removed the bee handler will place it in barrels and prep them for shipping. Pallets or hives/boxes may weigh up to 50 lbs. full.

Workers may occasionally and/or sporadically perform duties associated with and directly related to the primary duties. Such work will be temporary and insubstantial agricultural labor.

In the event that an employee is injured while on the job, the Company will provide a temporary work assignment that will be as closely related to the job duties described herein, while the employee recovers from a work-related illness which meets with physicians clearance to return to work under specific limitations. The work assignment will not be a permanent position, it will be temporary to accommodate the injured worker under doctor’s restrictions and time period that may differ from the heavy labor described within.

Special Requirements

Must have 3 months work experience working as a beekeeper. Written verification of experience is required. Applicants must provide the name, address, and telephone number of any previous employer used as a reference. Workers may not have bee-, pollen- or honey-related allergies and must have or be able to obtain within 30 days of employment, a valid U.S. drivers license.

Requirements include lifting up to 50 pounds frequently and able to use hand tools, including machetes. Must be able to work under conditions where skin and clothing become heavily soiled with mud, water, honey, etc. Must be able to work outdoors in inclement weather conditions, including rain, cold, high winds, etc. Work involves frequent bending and working in bent or stooped positions. Must be able to walk and stand up extensively. No smoking, alcohol, firearms in field or dorms.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... your salary with an H-2B visa should be the max rate out of the federal minimum salary, state minimum salary, and your job salary?

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