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Published on Sep 20 2024

Cattle Herder

$1807.23  per month
Visa required: H-2A
From Sep 2, 2022 to Apr 1, 2023


1445 East 2100 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
United States

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Job description

Worker must have at least 3 months of experience with herds of 200 head of livestock or larger on the open range or pasture. One reference required. Attends cattle herd grazing on range or pasture. Will perform tasks at the direction of the employer. Attend to cattle grazing on the range to include: Herding cattle on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Protect cattle from attack of predatory animals, i.e. coyotes, mountain lions, bears, wolves, etc. Observe and/or examine animals to detect illness or injury; treat ill or injured cattle as directed by employer; Assist with weaning, trailing, sorting and loading cattle onto trucks for transfer to new range or transport to market. Maintain meadows and repair/maintain fences to keep animals in the assigned range/pasture and to protect them from dangers such as roads, noxious weeds and poisonous plants. Must be able to saddle and ride a horse in a safe and effective manner such as to avoid injury to self, coworkers, bystanders, and the horse itself. As needed, worker will be required to shoe horses. Must be able to care for the needs of horses and dogs entrusted to the worker by the employer. May assist in the range production of sheep and/or goats. This may include but not limited to docking, shearing, herding, trailing, vaccinating, sorting and loading onto trucks for transporting to a new range or transport to market. Some work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of the work will be performed on the range. Worker is on call for up to 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Worker will live in the employer provided mobile range housing. Worker must be able to work alone for extended periods of time and complete tasks as instructed by the employer in a safe and timely manner without direct supervision.

El trabajador debe tener al menos 3 meses de experiencia con rebaos de 200 cabezas de ganado o ms en campo abierto o pastos. Se requiere una referencia. Asiste al rebao de ganado que pasta en el campo o en el pasto. Realizar tareas bajo la direccin del empleador. Asista al pastoreo de ganado en el campo para incluir: Pastoreo de ganado en el campo o en pastos mientras monta a caballo, monta en cuatriciclos o camina a pie. Proteger al ganado del ataque de animales depredadores, es decir, coyotes, leones de montaa, osos, lobos, etc. Observar y / o examinar animales para detectar enfermedades o lesiones; tratar el ganado enfermo o lesionado segn las indicaciones del empleador; Ayude a destetar, arrastrar, clasificar y cargar ganado en camiones para transferirlo a una nueva gama o transportarlo al mercado. Mantenga prados y repare / mantenga cercas para mantener a los animales en el rango / pasto asignado y para protegerlos de peligros tales como carreteras, malezas nocivas y plantas venenosas. Debe poder ensillar y montar un caballo de manera segura y efectiva, como para evitar lesiones a s mismo, compaeros de trabajo, transentes y el caballo en s. Segn sea necesario, se requerir que el trabajador calce los caballos. Debe ser capaz de atender las necesidades de los caballos y perros que el empleador confa al trabajador. Puede ayudar en la produccin de la gama de ovejas y / o cabras. Esto puede incluir, entre otros, atracar, esquilar, pastorear, arrastrar, vacunar, clasificar y cargar en camiones para transportarlos a una nueva gama o transportarlos al mercado. Algunos trabajos / tareas pueden ocurrir fuera del rango, pero ms del 50% del trabajo se realizar en el rango. El trabajador est de guardia hasta 24 horas al da, 7 das a la semana. El trabajador vivir en la vivienda mvil provista por el empleador. El trabajador debe poder trabajar solo por largos perodos de tiempo y completar tareas segn las instrucciones del empleador de manera segura y oportuna sin supervisin directa.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... most J-1 workers who work more than 40 hours a week

(and in some states, more than 8 hours a day), can get paid "time and a half?"

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