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Published on Mar 12 2025

Ag Equipment Operator

$13.88  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Sep 1, 2022 to Jul 1, 2023

3267 FM 297
Dalhart, TX 79022
United States

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Job description

Driving and operating farm machinery, including tractors and loaders, to harvest and store corn silage (Sept-Nov); cultivating 25,000 acres of corn (Dec-Feb); hauling manure to spread in the fields (Dec-Feb); and performing general farm equipment maintenance and repairs (Sept-July), daily repairs and maintenance to equipment, machinery, and fences. Employer may request but cannot require workers to work on their Sabbath; maintaining of worksite and equipment; also cleaning location and equipment. The nature of farm work may require workers to work after dark and possibly weekends depending on weather conditions. Hours offered may vary based on factors such as weather, crops, or need. (as applicable) Employer may pay workers more depending on how many years of experience they have or other factors such as job performance, skill, punctuality.

Special Requirements


Employer Contact Info



Did you know that... H-2A and H-2B visa holders are entitled

to reimbursement for the cost of their trip and their visas?

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