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Published on Sep 20 2024

Range Wintersheepherder

$2166.67  per month
Visa required: H-2A
From Dec 2, 2022 to Mar 31, 2023


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69956 HWY 74
IONE, OR 97843
United States

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Job description

Winter Range Worker must have at least 3 months of experience birthing livestock with herds of 200 head or larger on the open range/pasture or shed. One reference required.
The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant animals through winter grazing range/pasture rotation, including installing and maintaining temporary fence where needed. Be able to identify signs of livestock going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain livestock for difficult births and able to graft orphan offspring to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of livestock, prolapse and mastitis, and administer an appropriate response to prevent and aid health issues. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the livestock if the range/pasture has insufficient forage which may result in the need to work around and with tractors to assist in providing supplemental feed. Disperse livestock on the range/pasture to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of maternal bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock from predators. Move livestock to processing locations and assist in Branding, Castrating, Vaccinating, Tagging, Worming, Docking, Shearing, Herding, Trailing, Vaccinating, Sorting, Birthing, and loading onto trucks for transporting to a new range or transport to market.. Ability to safely rope and or catch offspring with a hook. Move Livestock to spring/summer range grounds.

The employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the livestock from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death, due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter.

The worker must be able to saddle and ride a horse or mule in a safe and effective manner such as to avoid injury to self, coworkers, bystanders, or the animal itself. The worker may be required to shoe horses for his use. The worker must also be able to use a 4-wheeler in a safe and effective manner.

Herder must be able to integrate and work with the team.Teamwork is a key component of Krebs Livestock?s winter safety plan. Winter weather can cause added stress to all employees and the team approach ensure safety measure are in place for the entire work force.

Some work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.
The worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time.
***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... most J-1 workers who work more than 40 hours a week

(and in some states, more than 8 hours a day), can get paid "time and a half?"

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