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Published on Nov 15 2024


$13.88  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Jan 5, 2023 to Nov 5, 2023


1700 FM 1011 Road
Liberty, TX 77575
United States

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Job description

Raises honey bees to produce honey and maintain colony health through feed/supplements; find and cage queens, install queen cells; assembles bee hives, inserts honeycomb of bees into hives; forces bees from hives; uncaps harvested honeycombs and extracts approx. 75 pounds of honey from honeycombs; must be able to lift 75 pound boxes for honey transport; transporting bee boxes from hives to extracting facility; driving farm vehicle to obtain supplies, honey extracting equipment, and misc. tools used to work with honey bees; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment, worksite, and colony boxes.

Special Requirements


Employer Contact Info



Did you know that... H-2A workers do not have a right to get paid for overtime work, or “time and a half?”

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