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Published on Mar 09 2025

Farm Laborer

$13.88  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Jan 5, 2023 to Sep 30, 2023


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11320 State Highway 195
Florence, TX 76527
United States

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Job description

Worker will manage heavy-bred females/assist with parturition and perform the following related duties: monitor parasite loads, monitor and treat for ketosis and/or toxemia as needed, monitor pre-partum evidence of impending parturition, prep kidding areas (pen assembly, equipping), move heavy-bred females into barns/kidding pens, mitigate dystocia as needed, move does to veterinarian for c-section in emergencies, trim hooves as needed.

Worker will manage newborns, which includes the following duties: clear placental residue as needed; treat newborns for respiratory stress/lung fluid; check mammaries for mastitis, and redirect newborns as needed; milk newly freshened does, tube feed newborns; mix, administered colostrum as needed; graft newborns as needed; monitor newborns, and maintain pen cleanliness.

Worker will manage and mitigate postpartum health issues: monitor, diagnose and treat postpartum infections/depression issues, monitor feed intake, apply FAMACHA evaluation for parasite-related issues.

Worker will also manage kids through weaning, and treat kids for scours, respiratory stress, sore mouth, etc. In the management of kids, worker will formulate, mix custom medications, wormers as prescribed; ear tag, disbud, band kids on schedule; day wean groups, beginning at 30 days of age; execute, document 30-day health protocols (vaccinations, wormers, B-B12, coccidiostat); manage feed, feed transitions and supplements (minerals, probiotics); and transition kids from weaning to feeder deck operations.

Furthermore, worker will manage kids until consignment or sale. This includes duties such as executing and documenting scheduled health protocols, treating for ectoparasites as needed, observing, diagnosing and treating health issues.

Worker will also perform feed and feedstuff management duties i.e.: manage feeders within pens (maintenance, repair and deployment), manage supplement deployments, manage daily ration deployment, manage feed supply (feed concentrates), procurement, manage roughage supply: procurement and storage.

Worker will oversee veterinary and company supplies and procure bedding and other non-consumables.

General Farm Procedures: operate tractor and shredder to manage pastures and open areas, and maintain, repair water systems.

Three (3) months of previous experience in breeding goats. 75-pound lifting requirement. Able to withstand extreme weather conditions. Must have excellent English communication skills. Must demonstrate ability to learn, observe, solve problems. Must come with demonstrated work ethic and self-discipline.

Special Requirements

Three (3) months of previous experience in breeding goats. 75-pound lifting requirement. Able to withstand extreme weather conditions. Must have excellent English communication skills. Must demonstrate ability to learn, observe, solve problems. Must come with demonstrated work ethic and self-discipline.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

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