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Published on Jan 14 2025


$12.45  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Jan 1, 2023 to Nov 1, 2023


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Raceland Raw Sugar, LLC

Also known as: Not applicable.

25247 Tietje Road (Approximately 1,350 acres) *All worksites are owned, leased or controlled by employer*
Elton, LA 70532
United States

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Job description

Temporary, seasonal workers needed for crawfish/rice farm; job duties include crawfishing in boats, catching crawfish, performing crawfishing duties in fields; cutting up bait; placing and checking traps; washing and grading crawfish, loading/unloading trucks, preparing farmland; planting rice; field prep; water maint.; planting/harvesting; apply fertilizer; keep field road and levees in good condition; repair/maintain farm vehicles, equipment and other structures; operating farm equipment; all tools furnished; job involves frequent stooping, lifting, standing for extended periods of time; exposure to extreme temps; must have one month experience is similar position. Base hours offered is 40 hours offered; overtime hours are usually offered during plentiful season and may include an additional 10-40 hours of overtime work depending on the nature of the season; higher wage may be paid based on experience.

Se necesitan trabajadores temporales y estacionales para la granja de langostas / arroz; las tareas laborales incluyen la pesca de cangrejos en barcos, la captura de cangrejos, la realizacin de tareas de pesca de cangrejos en los campos; cortando cebo; colocacin y control de trampas; lavar y clasificar cangrejos, cargar / descargar camiones, preparar tierras de cultivo; plantar arroz; preparacin de campo; maint de agua .; plantar / cosechar; aplicar fertilizante; mantener el camino de campo y los diques en buenas condiciones; reparar / mantener vehculos agrcolas, equipo y otras estructuras; operar equipo agrcola; todas las herramientas provistas; el trabajo implica agacharse, levantar objetos o estar de pie con frecuencia durante perodos de tiempo prolongados; exposicin a temperaturas extremas; Debe tener un mes de experiencia es un puesto similar. Las horas base ofrecidas son 40 horas ofrecidas; las horas extraordinarias generalmente se ofrecen durante la temporada abundante y pueden incluir entre 10 y 40 horas adicionales de trabajo en horas extraordinarias, segn la naturaleza de la temporada; Se puede pagar un salario ms alto segn la experiencia.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... both H-2A & B workers have the right to receive payment for 75% of the hours on their contract, whether or not they worked it?

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