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Published on Oct 26 2024

Crew Members

$13.88  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Feb 1, 2023 to Nov 30, 2023


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Raceland Raw Sugar, LLC

Also known as: Not applicable.

330 Bacacita Farms
Abilene, TX 79602
United States

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Job description

Plant, inspect, and harvest crops. Irrigate farm soil and maintain ditches or pipes and pumps. Operate and service farm machinery and tools. Apply fertilizer or pesticide solutions to control insects, fungi, and weeds. All tools furnished; job involves frequent stooping and exposure to extreme temps; no education or training required; previous on-the-job training and work experience is a plus, but employer will train. Base hours offered is 45 hours offered; overtime hours are usually offered during plentiful season and may include an additional 10-40 hours of overtime work depending on the nature of the season.

Plantar, inspeccionar y cosechar cultivos. Riega el suelo de la granja y mantiene zanjas o tuberas y bombas. Operar y dar servicio a maquinaria y herramientas de la granja. Aplique fertilizantes o soluciones de pesticidas para controlar insectos, hongos y malezas. Todas las herramientas suministradas; el trabajo implica rebajarse con frecuencia y exponerse a temperaturas extremas; no se requiere educacin ni formacin; la formacin previa en el trabajo y la experiencia laboral es un plus, pero el empleador se formar. El horario base ofrecido es de 45 horas; las horas extras se suelen ofrecer durante la temporada abundante y pueden incluir entre 10 y 40 horas adicionales de trabajo extra dependiendo de la naturaleza de la temporada.

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

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