Farmworker And Laborers Crop
963 NC Hwy 258 South
Snow Hill, NC 28580
United States
Job description
Workers will perform assign duties as instructed by their supervisor.
Tobacco plantation: Workers will carry full tobacco plant trays in order to set tobacco by hand and by machine. When done by hand the worker will walk down the field make a 3 inch hole in the ground, place the plant in the hole, cover the hole firmly and space each hole about 12 inches apart repeatedly throughout the daily shift. When setting tobacco by machine the worker must drop one plant in each cone repeatedly every two seconds without missing a cone. Any cone missed will be then set out by hand.
Tobacco Harvesting: Workers will start in a row with the first tobacco plant cutting off the top flower by hand properly without damaging leafs below. The worker must then use both hands in order to remove all the suckers that are in between the tobacco leaf and the stem of the tobacco plant. The worker will walk down his designated row working on every tobacco plant taking no more than 4 to 5 seconds. When this is finished the workers will again walk down the tobacco field on his designated row pulling off the bottom 3 to 5 ripe leafs off of every stock. If the leaf is not ripe you must leave it alone. The worker must stay down moving forward placing each leaf on his side until the worker has no more room and must walk over to unload his bundle of tobacco leafs into the tobacco trailer. Any leafs dropped by the worker must be picked up. The tobacco tractor and trailer will always be in the middle of the 12 person group moving forward. The worker must due this process 3 to 4 different period of times as leafs ripen on every stock.
Sweet Potatoes Plantation: Workers will select large sweet potato plant from the beds; they will cut the plant and place into a basket. Once the basket is full and tight the process will be done again. The worker must be able to complete three baskets every hour. Workers will then plant sweet potato by machine and by hand. When planting by machine the worker will repeatedly set a plant on the butterfly device that holds the plant. The plant end must stick out of the butterfly device at least 2-3 inches in order to be planted correctly. When done by hand the worker will walk down the field make a 3 inch hole in the ground, place the plant in the hole, and cover the hole firmly, and space each hole about 10 inches apart repeatedly throughout the daily shift.
Sweet potato Harvesting: The worker will pick the sweet potatoes up from the ground by class. There are 3 types of classes of sweet potato that require harvesting at once which are number 1’s (large potato), canner(medium small broken cracked unshaped potato’s), and seed (small potato’s). The worker must first select number 1’s placing them in a five gallon bucket, once the bucket is full, the worker will take the bucket to the truck and dump the sweet potatoes in the back of the truck. A small ticket will be given to you to keep and a total will be counted at the end of each day. The workers will then go back to the picking area and fill his bucket up with canner sweet potato. Once the bucket is full the worker will take the bucket to the truck and dump the bucket. The worker will go back to his picking area and fill his bucket up with seed sweet potato.
Planting Squash : All crops. Worker will plant and/or replant as needed. These tasks will include repetitive and physically demanding shovel work. Worker may lift up to 50lbs. Worker may be required to ride a mechanical planter (training will be provided). Worker may be required to hand plant using tools such as a spade or hand trowel.
Special Requirements
This type of work, involves working conditions that require tremendous stamina, a high level of physical activity in cold or extremely hot conditions in direct sunlight and in adverse weather such as rain. The work requires a high level of physical conditioning. Due to the type of work involved, there is a Probationary Period of five (5) days beginning with the first day of employment, to show possession of the requisite physical strength and endurance to perform this type of work.