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Published on Sep 20 2024

Agricultural Eq. Op./farmworker

$14.87  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 5, 2023 to Nov 30, 2023


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12295 County Road 11
Dalhart , TX 79022
United States

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Job description

Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of wheat, corn, grain, hay, and potatoes.
The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to agricultural equipment operation.
General Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: attach, operate and make mechanical adjustments to specialized farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize and harvest crops; adjust settings and make appropriate adjustments for various crops and/or moisture conditions; conduct operator level maintenance, including welding and rebuilding, on farm vehicles and equipment; maintain detailed records. Equipment will include: wheel loaders, GPS programmable tractors and yield monitoring equipment for electronic record generation, tillage implement/planting/harvesting equipment including advance technology harvesters, Draper Platforms, Hydraflex Platforms, Rigid Platforms, Belt Pickup Platforms, Corn Heads, yield mapping systems and other implements when necessary.
Worker may: mix and/or spray/apply chemicals/fertilizer (according to appropriate restrictive use laws, when/if applicable), set up fertilizer tanks, prepare fertilizer pumps, load/transport fertilizer to pivot tanks, record daily use; remove foreign matter, undesirable and excess growth from crops or farm grounds; perform general cleanup of farm areas and maintain a clean rock/weed free work area around all farming locations; remove rock from fields and rows in front of harvesting equipment; discard diseased/rotting product/rocks and foreign matter; paint/repair/maintain farm structures; replace/repair fencing; operate motor bike or all-terrain vehicle in the course of performing duties; drive, load/unload trucks; communicate by use of hand signals for start, stop, speed up or slow down, etc.; drive truck to move raw unfinished product from fields to raw storage facilities or from storage facilities to fields for replanting; assist/oversee preparation of winter field cleanup by burning all vine piles; service and winterize all gears on pivots; tear down/prepare cellar systems for winter storage; cleanup/remove all equipment chains; wash/prepare harvest equipment for winter storage; tarp and enclose all haystacks and selected areas with fences to ensure safety from wild animal exposure.
Psyllid (bug) duties will include the following: observe potato plants in the fields; take petiole samples from fields; transport petiole samples to a designated room to view the petioles (with the assistance of a microscope or magnified glass); observe to see if any eggs or nymphs of Psyllid insects are found; place sticky traps in fields; gather all traps and transport to designated room to view (with the assistance of a microscope or magnified glass) for any adult psyllids; maintain reports on findings; provide records of psyllid population to farm managers; repeat process for the entire growing cycle of the potato plants.

Special Requirements

Applicants must have 20 days experience with the applicable job duties and provide the contact information of at least one reference who can verify experience and performance. Applicants hired must be able to obtain a valid drivers license within 60 days of hire as driving on public roads may be required. Within 60 days of hire applicants must be able to pass pesticide HANDLER and WORKER safety training as required by the Federal Worker Protection Standard and obtain a Handler Verification Card at the employers expense (classroom instruction provided by the employer).

Employer Contact Info

+1 8063776208

[email protected]


Did you know that... H-2A and H-2B visa holders are entitled

to reimbursement for the cost of their trip and their visas?

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