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Published on Oct 26 2024

Blueberry/blackberry/ Grape/ Orange Harvesting

$13.68  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 17, 2023 to Jul 20, 2023


837 Seven Oaks Rd
Alapaha, GA 31622
United States

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Job description

Workers will pick, harvest, count, prune, load and unload blueberries/blackberries/grapes that are dry and according to
color, ripeness and firmness. They will also weed, prune, clean the fields, rake, clean around crop and dig ditches for the aforementioned company during the 2023 season. They will also work on Satsuma trees, fertilizing, planting, and pruning.
Los trabajadores recogeran, cosecharan, contaran, apodaran, cargaran y descargaran arandanos y moras que esten secas y de acuerdo con el color, madurez y firmeza. Tambin desyerbaran, podaran, limpiaran los campos, rastrillaran, limpiaran alrededor de la cosecha y cavaran zanjas para la empresa antes mencionada durante la temporada 2022. tambien trabajaran en arboles de mandarina abonando, plantando y apodando.

Special Requirements

See Addendum C

Employer Contact Info


[email protected]

Did you know that... H-2A workers do not have a right to get paid for overtime work, or “time and a half?”

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