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Published on Oct 26 2024

Farm Labor Worker

$16.55  per hour
Visa required: H-2A
From Mar 18, 2023 to Oct 15, 2023


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8726 Jersey Rd.
Salisbury , MD 21801
United States

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Job description

Workers will perform various activities associated with growing, planting and harvesting of grass/sod. Included, but not limited tilling, planting, cutting, mowing, digging, watering, fertilizing, harvesting, operating tractors and other sod farm equipment. As well as general farm maintenance related to sod production. Employees required to lift 50 pounds.

Los trabajadores realizarán diversas actividades asociadas con el cultivo, plantación y cosecha de césped/césped. Incluye, pero no se limita a labrar, plantar, cortar, cortar, cavar, regar, fertilizar, cosechar, operar tractores y otros equipos agrícolas de césped. Además del mantenimiento general de la granja relacionado con la producción de césped. Se requiere que los empleados levanten 50 libras.

Employer Contact Info

(443) 783-4185

[email protected]

Did you know that... both H-2A & B workers have the right to receive payment for 75% of the hours on their contract, whether or not they worked it?

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